For christs sake, Christians, WAKE UP! With almost 2,000 years - TopicsExpress


For christs sake, Christians, WAKE UP! With almost 2,000 years of church history behind us, there’s an awful lot that Christians want to forget. Maybe they now just want to brush aside reminders of the horrendous crimes that have happened under Christian hegemony. “Oh, here the atheists go again with their litany of complaints about the Inquisition, slavery, the Crusades—whatever.” As much as Christians want to ignore heaps and heaps of ugly history—and refuse to accept accountability (and, in the bargain, exonerate God)—the ugly history MUST be reviewed and put on the record in very accessible form. Hence I recommend the essay by David Eller, “They Will Make Good Slaves and Christians: Christianity, Colonialism, and the Destruction of Indigenous People.” This essay is in the new anthology edited by John Loftus, a former minister who has become a force of nature in demonstrating, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Christian has been falsified (this is his third anthology). This 24-page essay (pages 133-157) is a devastating exposé of the very active and enthusiastic participation of the church—ministers, priests, missionaries—in slavery, colonialism and the wiping out of indigenous people. The story is horrific and has been obscured by the Christian misinformation campaign. “Well, I just want to believe in my Jesus” may be one response. But please, Christians, do your homework, and find out how the faith has been a force for pure evil. Eller’s essay should make you break out in a cold sweat. How did so many followers of Jesus” get it so wrong—and why did God let it all happen? Please spare us the easy answers, and ask your legions of apologists to find better things to do. There’s something about the NATURE of faith that has allowed, even encouraged, the horrors spawned by theist arrogance. After all, Christianity is basically totalitarian in nature: the rules come from the top down, and those in power claim an absolute authority to back them up. What could be more deadly?
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 19:00:00 +0000

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