For creative people trying to make it in their field: Chuck - TopicsExpress


For creative people trying to make it in their field: Chuck Palahuniuk’s novel, Invisible Monsters, was widely rejected for its disturbing content, dubbed “too dark and too risky.” But instead of taking the publishers’ advice, Palahuniuk took their comments and stood them on their heads, taking his next novel, Fight Club to the opposite extreme. He purposefully made it “even darker and riskier and more offensive,” sending it to the publishers who at the very least wouldn’t forget it. It turns out they loved it. Tim Burton At the age of 18, famed director Tim Burton submitted an illustrated children’s book, The Giant Zlug to Disney for publishing. It was rejected, but the letter included some very helpful constructive criticism. It seems that Burton took it to heart, and three years later, after graduating from CalArts, he was hired by Walt Disney Animation Studios. J.K. Rowling got 12 rejections, before making a billion dollars out of Harry Potter, and breaking all sorts of ridiculous records in terms of book sales. George Orwell had great difficulty finding a publisher for his anti-Soviet novel Animal Farm. One publisher rejected the book, advising Orwell, “it would be less offensive if the predominant caste in the fable were not pigs. I think the choice of pigs as the ruling caste will no doubt give offense to many people, and particularly to anyone who is a bit touchy, as undoubtedly the Russians are.” But Orwell stuck to his guns and eventually published a story that was clearly unconcerned with being offensive. Dr. Seuss got a rejection letter than went like this, “Too different from other juveniles on the market to warrant its selling.” Of course, he didn’t give up. Frank Herbert got rejected 20 times, John Grisham got rejected 25 times, even the very prolific/rich/famous Stephen King got a dozen rejection letters for Carrie. “Too radical of a departure from traditional juvenile literature.” – The Wizard of Oz and it goes on and on... :)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 19:43:36 +0000

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