For decades pastors tell their parishioners they will be raptured - TopicsExpress


For decades pastors tell their parishioners they will be raptured any day now. Few have done serious research into this but I did. In 1974, being a very analitical engineer type with an extreme interest in history and in particular Biblical history, I decided to to look into the Greek language and see exactly what this rapture philosophy was based upon. I bought a Strongs Exhaustive Concordance and started doing research word by word in the Greek. A little girl in Scotland named Margaret had a dream in 1830 that started the rapture movement. I could find no references to a rapture before 1830. I also took each word from the scriptures pastors use to justify the rapture back to the original language and found the meanings were twisted. 1 Thess 4:17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Caught - Strongs reference #726 - refers to a word pronounced har-pad-zo and refers to being taken by force, not leaving the ground. Therefore it can refer to Christians being arrested by tyrannical govt. clouds - Strongs refernce number 3507 In the Greek it is pronounced yith-rawn and it actually just means people. Now take these actual meanings and you find no reference to leaving the ground at all! When translated literally this line in Thess actuaslly means that people are taken by force and that surely is not a rapture! Think about that and then get ready for hard times as they are coming very soon! The phrase one will be taken and one will be left does not say if the good or the bad one will be taken. It is time to put this false doctrine known as the rapture into the trash bin of history as it cannot be justified by what the Good Lord wrote into the most famous book ever written, the Bible! May God above inspire YOU to seek the truth and the truth WILL set you free!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 14:19:32 +0000

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