For every YES march/rally/protest i attend from this point - TopicsExpress


For every YES march/rally/protest i attend from this point forward, i will be taking a toothbrush! I hope you will all do the same HUGE RESPECT & BOUNDLESS LOVE FOR Sarah Cox who has posted the following comment on the Conservatives fb page: Dear Mr Scumoron, I listened to your latest spewing of toxic drivvel, and it has left me with no option as a law abiding citizen, than to come to the conclusion under your new benchmarks, that i am indeed a TERRORIST! I truly 100% believe that 9/11 was an inside job, completely funded, orchestrated and carried out by the CIA and the bush administration, and that 7/7 was the same! I completely believe that our government are bought and paid for by the banks and corporations and are firmly impaled on the cock of the establishment! i believe that both the bankers and their politician flunkies should be indicted, convicted, stripped of their ill gotten gains and jailed for the rest of their miserable lives! I staunchly believe that our government cares not 1 iota for the lives of anyone or has ANY empathy with the suffering of the sick or the vulnerable and are basically trying to murder those human beings! i BELIEVE THEY ARE TRYING TO DELIBERATELY CONTAMINATE OUR PLANET, in order to finally assert complete control over the masses and make it impossible for us to survive in our own right, so making us completely subserviant and enslaved! I believe that our mainstream media is nothing but propaganda, it peddles lies, and not only condones institutionalised paedophile rings that go right through every issue i have mentioned like brighton through a stick of rock, but has also orchestrated such abuses and gone to great lengths to lie about it and cover up these incipid acts! I believe that our governments are war mongering genocidal maniacs who reap billions from waging illegal wars on weaker countries and murdering thousands of innocent women and children, in order to control their resources and their governments, whilst we turn a blind eye to even worse abuses of humanity with anyone that doesnt have something we want, or god forbid, could actually fight back! I believe with every bit of my heart and every ounce of my soul that my government is evil and corrupt to the core and i would be more than happy to argue my case in a court of law.... By your standards this makes me a terrorist, and every bit as dangerous as some poor bastard sent mad with hate from having to pick bits of his babies and relatives out of the rubble we reduced their country to, that cant afford shoes but is sporting a nice shiny american AK!! or someone with a few pounds of semtex strapped to their ass and a grudge to bear! As you can imagine this has left me with much soul searching to do, and i have decided to hold my hands up and take whatever punishment is fitting for my extremist beliefs... i think you should come round and arrest me immediately! maybe ship me off to guantanamo indefinately, without charge, or one of the nice new FEMA camps you have so kindly spent billions of our tax money setting up in anticipation of our rehabhilitation..... iv packed me toothbrush, (yes i said toothbrush not BOMB) and im ready when you are..... if i was you though id get round here quick tho coz im not sure how much longer i can control my terroristic opinions!!!!! #jistsayaye #the45 #yesalliance #indyref
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 08:06:11 +0000

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