For every idiot (Sin Cuinta thats you) that thinks GMOs should not - TopicsExpress


For every idiot (Sin Cuinta thats you) that thinks GMOs should not be heavily questioned and eschews false rhetoric while at the same time insulting our questioning of the non long term safety study tested GMOs we will ban you. We love to Question Everything but if you insult without allowing a dialogue then we have no time for you. If you threaten that you are going to unfriend the page and insult the page while you attempt to discredit the page then we will help you find the door so it can hit you on the ass on your way out. Why not have a dialogue and ask questions instead of being an ass? Do not forget this is our page where we volunteer our time to create a critical thinking community. Therefore show some respect and a willingness to dialogue instead of being insulting or you are gone (Sin Cuinta). Here is the truth. The burden of safety is not on those questioning the technology but those whom are selling the technology. GMOs circumvented traditional safety studies aka science by claiming The Doctrine of Substantial Equivalence. The Doctrine is false. If this doctrine was not created by Biotech themselves then Biotech would have had to demonstrate the safety of GMOs in long term 2 year safety studies. For every scientist that has presented science demonstrating the potential dangers of GMOs, Biotech has attacked and attempted to discredit them. We suggest people ask critical questions and we have dialogues. We are not anti GMOs but we do demand the science process be respected and The Precautionary Principle be respected until we have fully proven transparent long term test. The test that are out now are not favorable except when they have been funded and approved by those whom stand to profit from the technology. Yet there are still no long term feeding safety studies. There are many sources out there lets talk about it and if GMOs prove to be everything they have promised and so far not lived up to then we as humans will be happy to accept technology that helps the masses instead of unproven science that harms the masses.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:24:35 +0000

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