For everyone voting tomorrow. Lets take a walk down memory lane. - TopicsExpress


For everyone voting tomorrow. Lets take a walk down memory lane. Lets just go back around 15 years to make it simpler. In 1999 Bernard Lord of the conservative party was elected premiere of NB, and then lost to Shawn Graham, leader of the Liberal party because of his unpopular decision to close beds in the north and consolidate 4 hospitals. (He introduced a new official language act ensuring NBers, under the Canadian charter or rights and freedom, had the right to be served and communicate in their language of choice) which is great, but this bilingual thing is getting out of hand. Not just for the English speaking population. Shawn Graham was premier and lost to David Alward because of his unpopular decision to try to sell NB power to Quebec. David Alward of the PCs wants to bring fracking to NB ( which has NB divided) Make backroom shady deals to favor Irving and destroy our forests against environmentalists. And wants to push forward a mandatory drug plan that makes no sense. Brian Gallant of the Liberal party, is to say the least, scary. To watch him in interviews and know that he may become the next premier of this beautiful province is cringe-worthy. Its red, blue, red, blue, red, blue. We need a change. No one but those 2 parties has ever held power in NB. At least give someone else a chance. And if you dont vote because you dont like anyone running, at least exercise your right to spoil your ballot and say ENOUGH! NO MORE. And if you like the platforms of Conservative or Liberal, then by all means vote for them. Dont just vote for a party because your parents and grand-parents always did. Get involved, be informed and be a part of our future. Husbands, sons, daughters, mothers, friends are leaving this province by the record numbers, while unemployment rates are high and the government are recruiting bilingual staff from Quebec. So please people, vote tomorrow. #giveusbackourjobs #NBvotes
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 23:44:59 +0000

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