For everyone who is understandably concerned about Christina - TopicsExpress


For everyone who is understandably concerned about Christina Newman going to hospice, just remember, just because shes not receiving chemo anymore, it doesnt mean alternative treatments wont work. Sometimes chemo does more damage than help. She is going to be trying alternative treatments and be cared for in a positive environment. While the treatment center where she received chemo was really great and sunny and all of the nurses were SO POSITIVE, chemo in and of itself is poison. Whoever is on chemo knows, its a race against the poison killing the tumors vs. killing the healthy cells to the point where it can make you more sick than healthy. Cancer is a monster that nobody understands fully and especially Christinas rare and aggressive cancer (Triple Negative Breast Cancer which has metastasized to her liver.) She has already outlived what is the norm for her type of cancer. She is a strong ass woman. She fights with everything she has. Most would have given up before now, but she has chosen to fight and it has been no walk in the park. Lets keep positive thoughts and love coming her way and hope that the alternative treatments bring her health around in a way that traditional medicine wasnt able to. (Although it did keep her alive this long so thank god for that.) Im reading a book that Christina recommended and Ive included the link in this message. Its called RADICAL REMISSION. Its not over until its over. Dont write her off. Shes a fighter and she has proven many people wrong over the past 4 years and now is no different. Thank you for your love, prayers, donations and positive thoughts! Every positive thing coming her way makes a huge difference.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 19:58:24 +0000

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