For fans who need a little help being a first year TeslaCon - TopicsExpress


For fans who need a little help being a first year TeslaCon attendee, to someone who has been here before. I have created this post to help you out. I hope it gives you ideas and lets you plan for things coming up. -------------------------------------------------------- Before you leave for the Center of the Earth…you might consider ▪ Pack extra. Even if that is a few items, you may want to change your costume on Saturday afternoon. You may also want to bring items that are simple to add to the costume. Accessorize! ▪ Double check if you are driving on the road for conditions. Use Google maps or Map-quest to check out any or all road construction. Also look at the Wisconsin State Journal for weather updates. Yes, it could snow. ▪ Dont forget batteries, chargers or cameras. We have stores nearby but if you dont have to buy it- its always better. ▪ Parking at the hotel is large, however 1500 people can clog the lot. There is a secondary parking area across from the main hotel. If you plan to park and forget it…this is best. We would like to reserve parking places near the main convention center for dealers if possible. Signs will be up as you enter. ▪ The color palette is for those who truly wish to become part of the story. Blue and Red are for Bobbins, while Purple is for SWARM & Proctocus. Red and Gold may be warn if you are a Lions of England Fan. Making simple ribbons also works to identify yourself to other fans. Entering the Main Hotel ▪ The reservations desk is directly to the right. Please remember that there will be many people trying to get in. It is best to register first, then get your luggage. There will be time for everyone tolook at things after you have gone to your room. ▪ Please remember that if you use a DEBIT card you may have a hold on the account. This is not a Marriott or TeslaCon charge, this is done by your bank. If you can pay for your rooms with a credit card or cash. The hotel has no control over the banking regulations. ▪ After you check in we will have several men (Bell Caps) ready and willing to help you to your rooms. We tell you this so it creates less of an issue using the elevators. They are here FOR YOU. They will take your bags directly to your room, via a separate elevator. The less congestion the better. If you so wish to tip them you may. It is encouraged. They are volunteering for the weekend and this is not easy work. ▪ The temptation to look at displays and all is fun, but please remember not to touch anything. Some items are electronic or sculpted and can break. We will not have our engineering room available to fix things during the convention. ▪ Once you have changed into Steam attire you may register. Remember to have an ID on you for this. Also remember to have your Event-brite or pre-signup card with you if possible. We may not need it, but I like to make sure there are no problems. ALL special tickets will have their own table. General convention goers will have tables with corresponding letters of last names. If you have everything- it should take only a minute to do. Entertainers will go to their own table on FRIDAY only. Moving around the Ship There are three parts to TeslaCon 5. London from 9am Friday to 1pm Friday The Freya from 1pm Friday to 8pm Friday The Center of the Earth from 8pm Friday to 3pm Sunday ▪ There will be music and sound effects throughout the hotel. Please do not touch or interrupt the machines. We ask this because in years past people have sometimes played with the machines and it stopped the sound. The ambiance of TeslaCon is very important and many people love to experience the sounds and noises that come with the adventure. If you have a question or comment please see someone in registration. ▪ While the above times are being observed, sounds and people will act as though they are IN THAT ENVIRONMENT - this is what we do, its natural and expected. When the City flips to the ship you will hear engines and wind, not the busy streets of London in 1884. While in the Center of the Earth you will hear much more- be prepared to for volcanoes, strange insects and above all a dinosaur or two. ▪ The lights of the hotel have a very heavy yellow cast to them. If you can bring a filter or have something on your camera we suggest it. ▪ While there is 50,000 feet of TeslaCon we ask that not everyone gather in the Atrium until after Friday night. Registration will be busy and the less congested it is the better. We will have activities in the Atrium, but starting later Friday night. ▪ We ask that you start getting in line early for opening ceremonies. We will try to open the doors 25-30 minutes prior. Those with special tickets may go to the head of the line as your seats are reserved. Please remember some of you may have been asked to do something special- please see a Bobbins blue coat in the main room for details. ▪ We leave room for lunch and dinners at TeslaCon- also time to change for the ball on Saturday. Please take advantage of this. If you are not eating at the hotel (we highly encourage it) there is Sprechers across the street. Also those with a car we suggest Hu Hut down the street, its only 2 minutes away. ▪ You cannot bring outside spirits in the hotel proper, but may do as you wish in your rooms (parties-etc.). We have instructed the hotel bars to stay open later for your convenience and have asked them to stock different spirits for you. There will be cash bars at the ball and the Steerage ball. ▪ The hotel is HUGE, and we do suggest if you have a hard time walking to bring good shoes. Nobody will say anything if they do not match your dress…promise. We want you to have fun, not be tired throughout the con. ▪ We are working to have the dealers room set up as soon as possible. If we can open early we will. It depends on the dealers and how many have pre-set their booths. This would be for Thursday night only. ▪ After panels and night entertainment the hotel comes alive with parties. Expect the elevators to be busy. If you can we suggest using the stairs if you are on the 3rd floor or lower. ▪ If you wish to buy something at the TeslaCon store, remember we limit quantities of objects. We do not mass produce anything- so if you want it is best to buy it when you can. The new Bobbins portrait will be available this year as well as special character art created by Bryan Arendt (autographing will happen with these images). Geek Details will also have special TeslaCon merchandise at the TeslaCon store. These items again are limited and do not come in large quantities. ▪ We will also be having collections cans for Nathan Hays around the convention. Nathan is an avid fan and friend of ours and cannot make it this year due to his health, and we would like to help his mother and him as much as possible. If you would care to make a donation- please go to the TeslaCon store or the Dealers room. ▪ Once at the hotel make sure you have everything you need for the day. For those staying at other hotels it is always a bother to have to go back. Make a list of things you need for each the day. It will also help you decide on what to pack. ▪ There are two restaurants in the hotel. The main Cafe and the grab-and-go station near the back. They will serve more simple foods, you can just buy and take to a panel if you like. Starbucks coffee is also served. ▪ YES there will be dinosaurs and YES they are BIG! Please remember they cannot always see you, you will most definitely see them from a long ways away. If you wish to talk, pet, or have photos taken with them please ask their handler first. It took a lot of political clout from Lord Bobbins to secure these dangerous creatures for our experience. Be mindful that children will want to get up close as well. ▪ We will have TWO dealers room, but the second is a Couture room mostly for the ladies. We will have special dressing areas for them so they may try on garments in private. The room is located directly across from the Makers room. ▪ Remember we ask that you sign up for classes at the Makers room. We do this so we have enough seats, if the presentation is popular enough we will see about repeating it. ▪ The final schedule will be out as a black and white PDF on the main site and also as an electronic file you may download. We ask you to please do this to help us conserve paper and also cost. We have so far been able to keep prices low and other expenses at a minimum. The more we save the more we can bring to you in the entertainment arena. Thank You! Finally… We suggest when you arrive you should buy your tickets for next year as soon as possible. One reason is we always sell out. But the other is new…we will only have 1200 tickets next year total. The price is cheaper at the convention and there is no added fee as on Eventbrite. A special table will be set for this as well starting Friday. Sunday after the convention ▪ Remember that we will still be in the hotel Sunday night, so if you forget something we do a sweep thru the hotel and collect things. If something is lost during the con and found we will always return it to the front desk of the Marriott. ▪ Dont forget that Sunday means elevators are busy. Preplan what you can by packing some Saturday night. We will also have people again to help- dont try to bring all your luggage on the elevator…it wont fit. Ask the front desk for help and they will send one of our men. OVERALL...TeslaCon is a very friendly place. I truly do design it to be the Disney of Steampunk Conventions. We ask that everyone go to the web site and read our policies and understand them. We have them in place so that everyone will have an enjoyable experience throughout the weekend. I spend an entire year creating and getting things ready with an army of volunteers and helpers. If you do enjoy the con please say thanks you to one of the many people helping out. Many attend just so they can volunteer. We are so blessed with loyal fans and very loyal volunteers. The experience you want is what you create. I truly hope you have an exciting time as we journey into the realm of Jules Verne and make new memories from a time fashioned tale of adventure and excitement. I look forward to seeing everyone this year- Sincerely, Lord Hastings Robert Bobbins III Prime Minister
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 05:12:16 +0000

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