For football. And a day before the game cause it will be historic - TopicsExpress


For football. And a day before the game cause it will be historic tomorrow and the blues will win. But today is for Wenger. Tribute to the Professor: by an Arsenal fan. I have never lived in England. I remember when I watched my first football match. It was 1998. Manchester United, the strongest team of our era had just won a yet another game at Old Trafford. Andy Cole and Dwight York terrorising the defence. Next up was a match which probably changed my life, my personality and the way I looked at things in life. I didnt know anything about club football back then. I didnt know who a football manager was, and what he exactly did. I certainly didnt know that I was going to love a football club, and above all admire its manager as much as I do today. Probably only a very honest Manchester United fan will understand what I am talking about. When I first saw Wenger, he looked like a very calm person, compared to the great Sir Alex Ferguson (Thank God I didnt call him Alex like the great Mr. Carlton Palmer). He always looked intense, witty at times and made his team play some really beautiful football. But, I was so amazed by this man that I wanted to find out more and more as the late 90s approached. The more I discovered, the more I was impressed. In a land where cricket is a religion, I was just another kid who had watched the great Ronaldo and Zidane devastate teams at the 98 World Cup, and I really wanted to watch more and more football. Back to Wenger, the mighty Frenchman could speak several languages fluently like German, French, English, Spanish and some Italian and Japanese too. People had already started him to call The Professor. Never seen anyone except Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Sir Alex Ferguson and the late Sir Bobby Robson look at their team with such intensity and analyze their performances so critically. He never wrote down anything. It was just sheer philosophy, a unique set of tactics and efficient development of ordinary talent. In his words it was all about top top quality. Many do not know this, but before Wenger, there was only one foreign coach to take on a job in England, a man named Jozef Venglos at Villa Park. Over the years, Wengers teams have always produced some excellent football without a doubt. But, in the initial years when I started watching football, it was not all about style and finesse. The likes of Nigel Winterburn, Tony Adams, Lee Dixon and loveliest Ian Wright were not exactly associated with peculiar modern style. They were very good at what they did and they played their game month after month. Then came the next generation, when likers and supporters became lovers. Football ever since has been more important than a handing women around you, attending phone calls and a bunch of things that a guy can associate with. You all know what I am talking about. I am not going to talk about the Invincibles because then I will never stop writing and I really need some sleep. Arsenal is synonymous with style, flair, movement and the pace of the game has increased exponentially over the years. And a lot of credit goes to Wenger and his brilliant vision. No man had ever challenged the great Sir Alex and infact came out victorious at times, something which is very commendable. The man has had an immense impact on the English game. He started managing the club during a time when most young players used to drink and party harder than they do now, while playing professional football at the highest level. The appointment of Wenger was a remarkable moment in modern football as he brought a continental brand of football into the Premier League. His scouting talent, ability to discipline youngsters and make them realise their talent just proves his immense knowledge of players and the game all over the world. Unfortunately for Wenger, things have not been on track for many seasons now. Trust me, in a world filled with eccentric football fan followers, its not been easy to be an Arsenal fan over the last half a decade. I mean, I went to college for 5 years (Not 3/4) and it was disappointing that we did not win a trophy while life was in a party mode. But, I have learned something in life which has definitely kept me sane in such a rapid moving world where satisfying yourself is literally impossible. Two things which I practice and preach, acceptance and patience. When you want perfection, you can never hurry up. Of course, its not easy, but I think the love for the club and the philosophy in general is much more than anything else. Obviously I cannot stop respecting a team like Manchester United for all glories and achievements, but believing in the Frenchman has always given me confidence outside the world of football too. 1000 games huh? And the Arsenal board always back him, and why shouldnt they? Wenger got the name on the map of world football and we are one of the best known football clubs in the world. With all the wrinkles and freckles now, he has stopped smiling much off late, looks mostly agitated, and occasionally displays how short-tempered he is, unlike the Wenger we knew five seasons ago. But, he is a man on a mission. He has always been. His hunger to win has never faded. And thats what champions are made of. Sir Alex showed the world what will and determination is, for more than two decades. And then there is Arsene Wenger. His eye for talent has not been blinded. All these modern day managers may win, but they have lost the style and flair of the job. They can never earn that respect. Since I am getting a little emotional now, I will wrap up quickly. Remember, he is still the same Arsene Wenger. If you are a real Arsenal fan, whose life revolves around what happens on weekends, you cant really imagine Arsenal without him, whatever people might say. Hes the bloody backbone of the club, the undisputed Boss. Remember the little things we have achieved over the years. We also have one of the best stadiums in Europe, and a very promising team which with some right additions and subtractions can be hazardous to opponents. And the Mayans were wrong. So, life will go on and a brighter future is ahead. Just remember Thierry Henrys face every time you feel sad. How can I trust the same man for this long? I have only one thing to say, The Professor Knows. Wenger Knows. He changed my life. And I know it was for the better good. For me, there is Only One Arsene Wenger. Congrats Arsene! 1000 games old and we love you more than ever before
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:16:37 +0000

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