For forgiveness and his virtues and his time and version with a - TopicsExpress


For forgiveness and his virtues and his time and version with a statement and benefits of male superiors For forgiveness and his virtues and his time and version with a statement and benefits of male superiors, And ask God to benefit them Virtues 1 - it is obedience to God Almighty. 2 - that the reason for the remission of sins (I said to ask forgiveness of your Lord, that he was forgiving) [Noah: 10]. 3 - rainfall (Heaven sends you Madrara) [Noah: 11]. 4 - the supply of money and boys (And Amddkm money and Benin) [Noah: 12]. 5 - entry havens (It makes you gardens) [Noah: 12]. 6 - increased strength in all senses (Yazdkm and strength to your strength) [Hood: 52]. 7 - heirlooms Hassan (Imitekm baggage Well) [Hood: 3]. 8 - pay scourge :: (What God punish them while they seek forgiveness) [Anfal: 33]. 9 - a reason for the delivery of all preferred a bounty :: (And bestow all preferred a bounty) [Hood: 3]. 10 - slaves are in dire need to ask God for forgiveness, because they sin by night and by day, ask forgiveness of God. If God forgive them. 11 - for forgiveness reason for the descent of Mercy (Lola Tstghafron God, that ye may obtain mercy) [Ant: 46]. 12 - an expiation of the Council. 13 - a busin prophet; to ask forgiveness of God that he was in one of the Council seventy times, in the novel: a hundred times. Statements in seeking forgiveness 1 - tells about Luqman peace be upon him, he said to his son: (O Brown, promises tongue: God forgive me, the hours God does not answer the liquid). 2 - said Aisha :: (Blessed is he who was found in his newspaper Astgfara much). 3 - Qatada said: (this Quran Adlkm on Daúkm and Doaúkm, either Daakm Valznob, The Doaúkm Valasngfar). 4 - Abu Almnhal said :: (what Gower Abdul in his grave of love of neighbor for forgiveness). 5 - Hassan said :: (often make for forgiveness in your homes, and on Moaúdkm, and Trqatkm, and in your markets, and in your gatherings, you no clue when descend forgiveness). 6 - A Bedouin said :: (from resided in our land Vlakther of asking for forgiveness, ask for forgiveness with the train), and is intended to train the great diameter clouds. Times for forgiveness For forgiveness Project all the time , But it must be done when the sins, and mustahabb after good works, Kalastgfar three times after the prayer, and Kalastgfar after Hajj and so on. And desirable also in Bewitchments, because God Almighty praised pray for forgiveness in Bewitchments. Formulas for forgiveness 1 - master for forgiveness which is the best, which is that a person says: (O Allah, You are my Lord no God but you, created me and I am your servant and Im on the custom and Uadk what you can, I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done, I acknowledge Your favor upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, it does not forgive sins except You). 2 - I ask forgiveness from God. 3 - Lord, forgive me. 4 - (O Allah, I have wronged myself, so forgive me, it does not forgive sins except You). 5 - (Lord, forgive me that you repent you Tawab Ghafoor, or the Most Merciful). 6 - (O Allah, I have wronged myself unjustly much and does not forgive sins except God, forgive me forgiveness from you, and have mercy on me, You are the Most Merciful). 7 - (ask forgiveness of God, who is no god but He, the Living Gayoom and repent to Him). The benefits mentioned many of them 1 - satisfy Rahman. 2 - expels the devil. 3 - removes the worry and sadness. 4 - brings the numerator and pleasure. 5 - Lenore face. 6 - brings livelihood. 7 - inherited the love of God to the slave. 8 - inherited the love slave of God, and monitoring, and knowledge of, and refer to it, and being close to him. 9 - inherited mention God for Zakir. 10. Yahya heart. 11 - removes the unfamiliarity between a person and God. 12 - degrades disadvantages. 13 - benefit the owner when adversity. 14 - reason to descend serenity, compassion and swoon, and Hfov Angels. 15 - that where any work for backbiting, gossiping, obscenity say. 16 - he believes sorrowfully the Day of Resurrection. 17 - that with tears in solitude reason to shades of God on the Day of Resurrection, under the shadow of his throne. 18 - male safety of forgetting God. 19 - that the safety of hypocrisy. 20 - it is easier to worship and the least discomfort, however, it modifies freeing slaves, and arranges it from the penalty money to arrange other. 21 - that Grass paradise. 22 - sings the heart and fills his need. 23 - combines the heart of what differentiates will and Azovernm. 24 - and what differentiates it met the concerns and distress, and grief, and heartbreak. 25 - and what differentiates it met on the war from the host of the devil. 26 - about the afterlife, and the spaces of the world. 27 - the male head of Thanksgiving, what thank God he did not mention 28 - Akram on Gods creation of the tongue is still wet from the remembrance of Allah. 29 - male cruelty heart melt. 30 - requires prayer God and his angels. 31 - all work is begun only to establish the remembrance of God. 32 - touted God Almighty Balmachrin angels. 33 - Easy to ease the difficulties and hardships and facilitate things. 34 - brings blessing time. 35 - male wondrous effect in for security, it is not afraid of that intensified fears more beneficial than the male. 36 - the cause of victory over the enemy. 37 - the reason for the strength of the heart. 38 - mountains and wasteland show off and those who preach it mentions God. 39 - Time mentioned in the road, home and urban travel, and the Bekaa multiplication of witnesses the Day of Resurrection. 40 - the male of the business does not modify the thrill of pleasure. Best male (Hallelujah, thank God, there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the greatest) These words best male after the Quran, one of the Koran It is great Adhkaar There is no power but from God - They are a treasure trove of treasures of Paradise, has an astonishing impact on the suffering of weights and endure the horrors, high status and Neil. Hallelujah and praise: it is uttered in a hundred times a day sins are forgiven though, such as sea foam. Hallelujah and praise, Hallelujah great: understanding words that are light on the tongue, heavy in the balance, Habibtan Rahman. There is no god but Allah alone with no partner, King, with Praise - It is spoken in todays ten times as if he freed four souls born Ismail, and uttered a hundred times a day I wrote him a hundred good, and landed him a hundred bad, as if freed ten slaves, and had a Hrza in that day. The bottom line is that the fruits of the male gets Pktherth, and invoking what is said in it, and Bamadaoma on Remembrance ends of the day, and Alozcarelmqadh and absolute, and wary of innovation, and contrary to the project. God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and him.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 04:11:26 +0000

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