For he chose us in him BEFORE the creation of this world to be - TopicsExpress


For he chose us in him BEFORE the creation of this world to be HOLY and BLAMELESS in his sight. In LOVE he PREDESTINED us to be ADOPTED as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his PLEASURE and will --- to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has FREELY given us in the One he loves. In him we have REDEMPTION through his blood, the FORGIVENESS of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods grace that he LAVISHED on us with ALL wisdom and UNDERSTANDING. Take NOTE of all those capital words in this passage. Ephesians demonstrates that in Christ all Christians are one. In Christ we are saved, transformed, and given a RADICALLY NEW identity. I am guilty of letting my past discretions keep my mind distracted from the beautiful future that God has ALREADY planned out for me. What GOOD NEWS it is to know that my story, even if it doesnt have the greatest beginning, has the most radiant and glorious ending. That from heaven, seated on his throne, before he spoke the light into the dark he knew me. He knew my heart, my thoughts, my smile, my laugh, my failure, my success; He knew EVERYTHING about me!!! ((more than I know about MYSELF!! whaaaa?!!)) He is so good!! For those of you who are holding yourselves to a past sin or a past misfortune theres HOPE!! Dont let the devils lies keep you down!! He is trying to keep you from the AMAZING future that is already AWAITING YOU!! It is NEVER to late. Gods timing is perfect. His plans are perfect. He is so full of love that he LAVISHED us with the riches of his grace. By definition lavish (v) means to bestow something in GENEROUS or EXTRAVAGANT quantities upon. So not only does God give grace he gives it in EXTRAVAGENT PROPORTIONS!!! ((whaaaa?!!)) For all of you who may be struggling with your faith factor, I know that sometimes God seems a little bit too big to wrap your mind around. Thats ok!! Its human nature to be inquisitive and trust me Ive been a Christian for some time and I STILL find myself questioning sometimes. How is it that a god could love SO MUCH?! Why would he? What for? Where is he?? Listen, Im writing this post mainly to myself because I have done some horrible things in my life. Ive hurt people that I love and care about. Ive sat in the dark and cried my eyes out thinking of my past. Ive thought to myself how can I ever make things better than they are right now? How can I ever get out of this slump? Surely I should just keep doing what Ive always done because Ive already gone so far out of the light theres no way Ill make it back. I cant be a leader with this past Ive got behind me. What if they see? What if they know? These are the LIES of the ENEMY!! When you begin a relationship with God you become one with him in his DEATH ((meaning you DIE to your old self)) and you become one in his resurrection ((new life)). Truth is God knew we were going to fail. But that didnt stop him from giving you LIFE and FREEDOM. His love is endless. Just like the story of the prodigal son; even though the son had squandered away everything he was ever given, even though hed abandoned his home and his family ... when the Father sees him coming home he RUNS to greet him. God is waiting ... and dont think you wont receive a similar greeting once you make the choice.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:14:11 +0000

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