For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he - TopicsExpress


For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. (Psalms 27:5) There are numerous bridges we walk in a life time, many can be solid and gratifying, then again, some collapse before we complete our first step. Obstacles present its self in all sizes, from difficult to extremely complex, causing our bridges to crumble under the weight. The tragic incident of Laci and her unborn son is a clear illustration of horrendous devastation; discovered in the muddy bay, wrapped in tarp, returning to the surface after several days of continual search. Confronted with severe heartbreak, such as this would cause anyone to spiral deep into despair, sinking to the bottom, with little hope of seeing light again. We may deem it impossible to rise above our pain and darkness, however, there is positive reassurance; we can surface into the light. When we call upon God, he will provide the strength, hope and power, helping us rise above the circumstances. He is not bound by our human limitation and achieve the impossible. When we allow him to reconstruct the broken pieces, there is no bridge too damaged that God cannot restore. Our problems can put us in a perfect position to watch God present miracles and healing, building strong bridges, enabling us to walk across. His all mighty hand becomes vastly more powerful and proficient when we permit God to become our strong foundation, calming troubled waters and setting us high upon a rock. He gives life and he takes life, we dont understand why, but we can be confident even at the lowest depth of the sea and high as the heavens above, he surrounds us with his loving protection and healing. We can know he promises new life, eternal life, no more separation, no more tears, sickness, death, pain or darkness. One day we will cross our last bridge into a spectacular life one cannot imagine; our troubled waters will cease to be when we surface into the light. Maranatha !!!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:01:03 +0000

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