For many days now this page has been silent. There have been no - TopicsExpress


For many days now this page has been silent. There have been no new materials and no new revelations shared. It was several days ago that I approached the LORD concerning this subject and asked, “LORD, aren’t You going to give me a new revelation? Aren’t You going to give me an insight that I should share?” His answer was clear, “In this season I have given warning. I have given revelation and insight. The problem is not in the amount of words given. It is in the willingness of people to receive them.” Although new seeds have been sown into my heart, now is not the time to toss them. Now is the time for the seeds which have already been scattered to take root, grow and bear fruit. I have been faithful to discharge the task which was given unto me and by God’s grace I will remain faithful in this mission. The watchman has blown the shofar. He has warned that the enemy is threatening… not just the enemy that is charging the wall in a frontal attack, but the enemy that is destroying from within. Clearly we cannot control the actions of our political leaders. We cannot reverse their decisions as they continue taking steps towards building up an “entitled nation.” We cannot take back the curses which are being spoken against God’s nation and His people in Israel. We cannot bring back the tens of millions of pre-born children who have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience. The spiritual battle is being manifest in the physical realm. The apathetic nation is becoming the enraged nation and the enraged nation will become the embattled nation. The slumbering giant that is known as the church is awakening. Sadly many did not bring oil enough to last through the long, dark night we find ourselves in, but those who have are trimming their wicks and their lamps are beginning to light the night. The Bridegroom approaches. We know not at which hour but we know that it will be in an hour of darkness. The dark will precede His coming and certainly after He takes those who await Him, the darkness will remain. If you are able to read these words, you are receiving the warning. Whether or not you choose to take action is up to you. These words require nothing additional to be effective. They are sufficient warning. Yet there are many (probably more than you anticipated) who scoff. They say, “Where is this coming he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” Let these simple words sink in and ponder the question that follows. “Are you ready?”
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:11:10 +0000

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