For many of us we have in time past schooled and worked, in - TopicsExpress


For many of us we have in time past schooled and worked, in negative energy dominated environments; interacting with people who were nasty and unfriendly. These people were mean, insensitive, deceptive, and treacherous. They hence, caused us a lot of pain and misfortune. As a result some of us failed important exams, missed promotions on our jobs and some were even fired. Also some had their relationships destroyed, and some experienced broken engagements and marriages. The hurt, pain and negative effect on several of us lingerfor so long and recovery appeared elusive. Also because of this, many of us swore never again to be exposed to such situations and vulnerable to such people. Unfortunately we become unfriendly, obnoxious, suspicious and defensive. Worse still, we carry this disposition into the work environment and we pursue our careers with suspicion,anger, distrust and evil schemes. These past negative experiences hold us down and we find it difficult to cultivate and develop the required relationship and disposition for good growth, leadership, team spirit and excellence in career. Paul once worked directly with a boss who was naive and very insecure. This boss at every opportunity even when it was uncalled for wouldn’t repress the urge to make it clear he was in charge. He felt he had the most correct and superior view and answers. He was very dictatorial in his leadership approach. He wouldn’t listen to anyone, agree with anyone and would shout down and embarrass anyone with a contrary view or opinion. Should the project or assignment fail, he would blame everyone else but himself; telling how much he hated identifying with failure and each time reading out a riot act. Paul however, was not comfortable with this. Paul had agood self esteem and great confidence; hence, he was not intimidated and would express his views on issues sincerely and with facts. His boss didn’t like this at all. He hated Paul and felt hewas arrogant, rude and insubordinate. He consequently started scheming to get rid of Paul. A couple of months later he succeeded and Paul was fired. The timing was really bad for Paul, his rent was due, his wife just had a baby, and he needed to pay school fees. He had very little savings hence, not enough money to cater for all these. Paul was distressed and full of regret. He blamed himself and criticized himself. He took the entire fault and he swore never to make this mistake as it were, again. After a long period of domestic crisis, pain, embarrassment, sacrifice, deprivation and frustration, Paul got a new job. Because of his last experience however, he pitched witha new philosophy of never challenging his superiors andby all means impressing and being in the good books of his boss. Paul at this new job and new team became very different. He would agree with whatever the boss says no matter how shallow or unrealistic. He really sucked up and was willing to run personal and domestic errands for his new boss. Worst of all, he degenerated to being a snitch and reported every other team member - their schemes, plans and gossip to his new boss. Of course this earned him favoured with the boss but his colleagues really hated him. Paul didn’t mind though, as far as he was concerned his boss had his back and no matter what happens, his job was secure. This situation unfortunately didn’t last very long as consequently his boss was transferred from Lagos to Port-Harcourt and Paul’s new team head had a major crisis because of Paul in the past. He really hated him. Six months after, the company needed to right size and of course Paul’s name made the list as compiled by his new team head; sadly every other member of the team was pleased with this. Paul was back to where he began. Yes, you may have experienced very difficult times with bosses and colleagues in the past. Situations and circumstances in your career may have been very harshand adverse. Please do not let it affect or negatively influence your new ways of doing things. Try to maintain a good balance in all you do. Don’t be an extreme person. Take the learning from every experience and be fair to yourself and others. Be just and objective. Learn from your mistakes and from your good judgements too. Don’t let fear and insecurity control you and your career. Organisations differ, so do teams and individuals. Don’t be judgemental and assume a one size fits all in your work relationship style. Be a team player; be good, fair and kind to everyone. Be helpful and truthful. Be honest and keep your integrity intact. Don’t let anyone intimidate, harass or oppress you to that point of losing yourself. Rise above unfair criticism and insecure people that lead you. Express your views and opinions but don’t argue, let your work speak for you and prove you right. Be determined, hardworking, focused and open minded.Pay attention to details and be thorough with your assignments. Let go of unpleasant past experiences in your career and please move ahead. Enjoy your day!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 08:56:02 +0000

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