For many of us, we may be eating the right stuff, but eating it - TopicsExpress


For many of us, we may be eating the right stuff, but eating it the wrong way. In other cases... people are just eating the wrong stuff period. Many things have been passed on from one generation to the next without anyone really asking the question why am I doing it this way or where did this come from? We must SEEK the knowledge for ourselves and you will likely find that you have been living a lie that you made your truth. I know I did! One must make a decision to turn away from the Lie that was made your truth... or continue in it. For many, the easiest way is to believe the lie even when the truth is right in front of them. Admitting the truth taints ones view of his ancestors (in his mind). But it really confirms the word of God that we are ALL sinners... which means that some things that were passed on to us by those we loved were lies they believed as their truth. Will you continue to follow your family heritage if those who passed on that heritage were living a lie, but did not realize it...or maybe did not want to realize it? The difference is you have sought the truth through God and now it is staring you right in the face. So what are you gonna do? Fall in line with your ancestors way... or get in line with Gods way? Give me Gods tree over family heritage any day. Today we are talking about what we eat. What lie have you believed about food that you are unaware of? to understand what one is eating, one must understand Gods original design and how it works (your body). Hosea 4:6 King James Version (KJV) 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, Destruction comes when one does not want to understand Gods design for things. One has rejected GOD anyway, so one will ignore anything that is related to Gods word. True knowledge comes from God through His word (THE BIBLE). Someone asked me recently what sets the BIBLE apart from other religious books. I said for one, the BIBLE is not a RELIGIOUS book, It is a SPIRITUAL book discerned by those who are spiritual. And second, when I did what this spiritual book said and how it said to do it... I got what it said would happen. This SPIRITUAL BOOK... deals with our spirit as we are confronted with this fleshly existence for a short time. When I did it the way my flesh said to do it... I continued to experience disappointment and pain. But when I did it the way the SPIRITUAL BOOK said to do it, which contradicted the flesh (human logic), I experienced profound success and immense joy. A renewing of the mind is a process that will continue for the rest of ones life as God peels back that onion (you being the onion). The more his truth is revealed to you, the more you will see what you have been dealing with that was for your bad. A renewed mind by the Holy Spirit will turn your world right-side up. Before the renewed mind, the world was upside down which one thought was right-side up... but when the Holy Spirit gets a hold of your mind and your heart is open to what it shows you... You will never be the same. you my friend...have been set apart. You are a peculiar person now... and you will get the stares... and those who will shake their heads at what you say now... but you wont worry about it because you know what you experienced for yourself... and you tried it the way those shaking their heads are doing... and after trying it a different way... you now see the truth for what it is. First... learn from Gods word what we are supposed to be eating (Read Genesis). This is the original design. Yes, there have been modifications in His word over time, but understand the consequences that come with implementing the modifications into ones lifestyle. Now seek understanding on how your body works... what it needs and how natural things created by a supernatural God allows it to function the right way as it will begin to heal itself as designed by the supernatural God. And I leave you with this. We know the LOVE of money IS the root of ALL evil...right (1 Timothy 6:10). Where the LOVE of money prevails, there is not a LOVE for God and certainly not a love for people. And where the LOVE of money takes priority over peoples well-being... one can not trust what is produced by those who LOVE money. Why? Because evil is leading the mind of that person who LOVES money. And evil (Spiritual wickedness) wants to destroy you before you come into the truth for yourself... and it will use those who LOVE money to destroy you... it is happening under the radar because you are tuned in to a frequency that tells you to trust what you can see... instead of what is in that SPIRITUAL book!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:37:33 +0000

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