For many of you, Randy and I are just people who pastor at LSCC - TopicsExpress


For many of you, Randy and I are just people who pastor at LSCC and are the main faces you are used to seeing. Perhaps you know us personally, perhaps not. Perhaps you attend LSCC in Montgomery, or are a part of our LiveStream congregation, or just like to watch the sermons and keep up with the church happenings. No matter the reason you are on the LSCC FB page we wanted to share this post from our personal page just to keep you in the loop. A message from Pastor Darla: Thank you for your continued concern and prayers for my mom, Billie. This is her last week of radiation for her cancer, Sarcoma on her kidney. Through all of the illnesses my mom has had throughout the years, open heart surgery and breast cancer being the worst, I have personally never witnessed her as sick as she is this time. The doctors say that she should recover but the location of her tumor and the type of cancer she has makes the likelihood of reoccurrence to be very high without the Lord’s intervention. Needless to say, our lives have troubling events surrounding us on several sides at this time. The devil is desperately using people closest to us to distract us from the course before us. We are not saying that the devil is in them, only that their actions, words, attitudes or illnesses are too overwhelming to face at times. Some days, I personally have to step back and wait for the day to end so I can have a fresh start tomorrow. The cruelty of cancer or words with no grace can be equally devastating as many of you know. When people come to us for counsel or prayer, who are in similar circumstances to ours, we encourage them to stay close to the Lord and never look any other direction. It is through the valley that we grow the strongest, we tell them. It is through heartache that we should cling the closest to Jesus, we will continue to say. When my children were growing up and their emotions overran their ability to reason we would tell them to go to bed and get some sleep. “Tomorrow, when you are rested, we will start this conversation again. But right now you are too tired to talk about it,” we would say. Exhaustion always turns mole hills into mountains which many people are willing to die on in order to win their point. Personally, you must be thinking, what in the world is she doing spilling out all of this on FB. My reason is this. Last fall I had to take a step back from ministry and regroup. One of my closest friends pointed this out to me last week. Therefore, my life must change. God said to me at the beginning of this year to “Be Still” and I never did. Now I will. I don’t know what my role in ministry will look like in 2015, but I know that in order to get there with any degree of sanity I must be still now. I know that I know that I know, God will not give His people the next thing to do until we obey the last thing He told us to do. Nor will the ability to reason be strong when we are to tired to think clearly. So, until January 1, I will only work at the office on Tuesdays, send out my weekly devotion, work on my new blog, maybe speak at the church services, and lead the upcoming missions trip to El Salvador. There will be an extended complete vacation mixed in eventually before the end of the year. The rest of my work duties must be set aside for now if I am going to make it for the long haul. Besides, we are still in the never ending drudgery of getting our permits for the new building at LSCC so Brad and I have given up on trying to predict when ground will even break. Because knowledge brings comfort, rest assured, although I am completely replaceable, now is not the time for me to be replaced at LSCC. It is the time for me rest so I can hear from my God how He wants me minister and when. After all, He’s got this. Thank you, Pastor Darla
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:33:19 +0000

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