For many years now there has been so much conversation about - TopicsExpress


For many years now there has been so much conversation about “ascension” and the “ascension process” – What I have to say about this may shock some, may anger some, but hopefully will enlighten others and stop you from being disappointed in something that is NOT going to happen. For nearly two decades now there has been a consistently escalating conversation about the topic of “ascension” and how one can prepare for it. The majority of these speaking on the topic speak of it in the same tone as the christian “rapture” as an event that will take you into the heavenlies. Others tell that a benevolent ET race will come and take everyone away who is “prepared” to ascend. None of these are accurate representations of the actual process as it REALLY happens. What is being called “ascension” is actually the rebirthing process. It is the act of being reborn in The Spirit and realizing Consciousness, realizing Oneness, being in communication with Source, God, Eternal Consciousness, Infinite Mind, The I AM, whatever label you wish to use to identify The ALL That Is. It is what some have called “The Kundalini Awakening”, there are many labels for it, but Trust Me, when You experience it You WILL KNOW IT! When The One known as Jesus spoke about this He said that “One must be born again”, One must be born of The Spirit… Why is there so much confusion about this? Simple, because few have experienced this process. Many claim to have had The Experience but their very lives prove the contrary and prove that they are fakes. So what happens when One is experiencing “ascension”? First, let us be sure of what it is not. Ascension is NOT about some event that takes place in which you will float up into the sky or leave your body… You may have experiences of leaving your body, but these will be temporary, these astral experiences are just part of the process. Ascension is an individual experience and as such it comes to each individual as they are ready for the experience. No One knows when that may be. There are obviously things that you can do to help facilitate and encourage the process but it is only when You have learned the appropriate lessons that you are here to learn that this “rebirthing” process that leads to ascension occurs. Read the rest of this article below stormwolfwords.wordpress/2014/04/06/the-truth-about-ascension/
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 01:07:37 +0000

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