For me this is.the worst election race since the dawn of democracy - TopicsExpress


For me this is.the worst election race since the dawn of democracy in 1994, clearly most.of our ppl, especially the youth just dont understand what this race is all about. Our pew are getting pulled in all directions by selfish, greedy politicians whos only aim is to build or maintain their political careers. The sad part is these former comrades and ex.leaders in the liberation movement led by the Anc are willing to do anything, even to sacrifice the gains of our struggle. Most of.these leaders do not care who the tremple upon, as long as their political careers are revived. The biggest loser in all of this scramble for votes is the struggle for real change in this country, the unity of the black and previously disadvantaged masses is being sacrificed for personal glory and careerism. As I always comments, only the imperialists can benefit from this madness and disunity, they gonna find ways to divert us from the real issue and make sure we focus on fighting each other for political power. The imperialists are very wise and shrewd, they know very well that theres no way they can defeat us is we are united, therefore theyll use real issues like corruption, mismanagement, etc to divert us from the main goal of total economic emanticipation. They also know that at this moment, it is only the African National Congress that stands a good.chance changing the status quo, especially after the Mangaung Resolutions. They know very well that if the Anc can get the required 2/3 majority next year, then the constitution might be amended and most clauses that stands in the way of real change will be changed or amended to benefit the poor majority, we know at this moment, no matter who wins next year, the constitution will remain the same, no matter how much well shout Economic Freedom. Parties like DA and Afriforum will always run to the courts whenever real change to improve the livess the poor majority. By supporting breakaway and mushrooming political parties at this stage will further weaken the chances of the Anc or any other black majority party from achieving the 2/3 majority and.thereby change the constitution in our benefit. Please note issues like corruption and.mismanagement are real and are always there, no matter who is in power, especially when u have people were previously disadvantaged for decades in power, but, the most important factor is thw political will to improve the lives.of the poor majority. With all the challenges the ruling party has faced, we can be guaranteed that the will is still there and only if we stay united, we will achive this goal, so pls lets not be destructed and help the Anc to realise the ultimate goal of total emanticipation of the black majority and economic freedom in.our lifetime by going.out in numberr and vote Anc next year. Viva Anc
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:48:13 +0000

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