For me to live a happy and healthy life I must be beyond others - TopicsExpress


For me to live a happy and healthy life I must be beyond others that are around me. I must love all other beings with all my heart and show them the example, I must show other beings that it is possible to defeat their minds and that they are deceived by their minds. I shall not judge other beings but understand them by showing compassion, and not let the power of their words have any effect over my feelings, happiness, total awareness and self-control. I must always hold control over the actions in which I am about to take in this present moment. I must become a warrior and not care about the inventions, which my mind creates over the current situation. I must have control in all situations where I fear the most, I must learn to be aware of my fear and gain wisdom through experiencing my fear then freeing my mind of the impact it holds over my strength as a warrior. How I feel and what I do is my own responsibility, therefore my life shall revolve in the daily practise of controlling this. I need the energy of a warrior to do all the task I set myself therefore I must fill my lungs with fresh air and breath life as a warrior giving my body maximum health potential. I must not only eat foods that my body can easily digest, but also I must make sure the food I eat will give me energy and carefully give strength for my organs and muscles to be balanced and healthy. I must exercise everyday, for the sake of my body, there is no excuse to disrespect myself, and only I am to blame for an unhealthy, and wasteful body. I will not exercise to be pleasant to others, or let my looks effects how I feel, but instead I will use exercise, as a method to show respect to myself and in term will gain great body functioning and long life of all my organs and muscles. I am responsible for the posture in which my body shall have the most balance and strength; therefore posture will take part of my training. The water I consume in a day, will greatly affect my brain functions and energy level and the health of all my internal organs and muscles therefore I will drink the right amount of water each day. I will only sleep what Is necessary to make the most of each day in my life, as sleep is a healing process that is not to be abused and therefore I will control how much I sleep If any emotions of anger, or strong uncontrolled emotions not useful to me arise, I will empty my mind and meditate using my breath as the strength of my self-control and inner peace. I will only occupy my brain with knowledge with the potential to benefit my life; nothing other then useful knowledge is of use to my way of being. I have only this moment to live therefore boredom is and always will be a concept of my mind which only is created when I am too lazy to concentrate on a task beneficial to me in this present moment. I must learn about all my fears and negative unproductive traits that I have developed over the years and concentrate my attention to being truly in control over all situations by having a strong body and a fearless calm mind. I will set my standards of every single moment as a warrior in control, and will use meditation as a learning tool during my life to have pure concentration over any moment presented to me. I control my life, my power is as powerful as I decide, no one can take away the inner strength of my mind once perfect control is attained. If I train everyday and set my mind to the principles I have written in this, my mind will be clear and sharp and will show the way for all others. I shall live in a clean environment and have a clean body as it reflects the cleanness my mind. I will only use logic to understand others and communicate as it is the only way to deal with the reality of any situation. Planning for greater things and future goals is very useful but my attention must not be to become something else, you can only become what you do right now, therefore I will not let my mind wonder if I can or cannot reach my goal or achieve things according to plan, instead I will do the task I have set without questioning. My mind is one of a warrior not a weakling needing goals and planning to be in control. I shall always look to perfect my training to be more beneficial as I learn useful information each day I only need water, sleep, air, proper exercise and food, this is all I need to be happy and healthy. If I live my life only for the future or in the past, I am living in a delusion of reality. Which cannot be the truth if I use my brain to think about it If I want something that is not useful and I am not happy with what I have, this shows disrespect for the life, which is given to me. I will only take what is needed and concentrate on being present and respecting others whilst taking what it is I need to be alive. There is always something to be thankful for therefore I will always give thanks to life for giving me the opportunity to better myself and help others.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 01:29:56 +0000

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