For more information about the New Moon Serpent Dance please - TopicsExpress


For more information about the New Moon Serpent Dance please visit: WHAT IS A NEW MOON AND WHY IS IT A GOOD TIME TO GATHER, RELEASE BELIEF SYSTEMS THAT NO LONGER SERVE US AND TRANSFORM OUR FUTURE SELVES WITH OUR INTENTIONS? The moon has an influence on the feminine aspects of humanity. Certain phases of the moon support certain actions and thoughts more than at other times. The Waning Moon Waning Moon means the moon is decreasing in size, moving from the Full Moon towards the New Moon. This is a time to banish, release, and reverse. This is a time to break bad habits or bad addictions, to end bad relationships. This is a time of deep intuition and a time for divination. The Waning Moon deals with subconscious enlightenment leading to the clarification of conscious values and brings a conscious process of creative release. As we leave the waning moon and enter the new moon, we shed the old skin and set our intentions for growth. THE NEW MOON New Moon or Dark Moon is when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun and therefor hidden. This can last about 3 days. This is a time of new beginnings and new undertakings. A soothing time of rest and planning for new beginnings; new growth; love, the beginning of or renewing of; bringing things in; regeneration; give thanks. This is a time of new beginnings and new undertakings. It can be a starting point for kicking that bad habit, or simply beginning a project. Put ideas in motion, become engaged, make long term relationship plans. As we leave the new moon and head to the waxing moon, we carry with us the goals and intentions we set for change. The Waxing Moon Following the New Moon, the Waxing Moon is a time of spontaneous and instinctual action. This is a time when efforts from the new moon will grow visible. Transitions may seem to be accepted more calmly than other phases. A time for hair cuts to promote growth, medical treatments or getting your moneys worth from that facial!! As we work in the Waxing Moon we dive into the deep levels of change, cultivate and call forth the underpinnings of all that will be as we move toward the goal we set at the New Moon and progressively begin to see the change. The Full Moon The moon fully reflects the sun and appears round and full. This last for about 3 days. It is a very intuitive and productive time. Especially: Fertility; Magic; Dreams; Meditation; love; Matters of the home; Beauty; Money; Creativity; Psychic abilities. A time of heightened feelings. Not a good time for major decisions for they will be colored with emotional debris. Do not seek medical treatment, inoculations, operations are at its least favorable. Wounds bleed more, and the formation of scar tissue is more pronounced.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:36:47 +0000

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