For my Daughter Jennifer Frazee... When you were a little girl we - TopicsExpress


For my Daughter Jennifer Frazee... When you were a little girl we were like one, we played, shopped (even then you were a Fashionista) and spent many late nights snuggling and watching TV. Then my life got a little busier, you got a little older and our time and activities changed. School meant an earlier bedtime, and you started making friends and became more independent. I struggled during your teen years trying to be your mom and your friend. I made many mistakes along the way. Then you became a mother yourself, and I had to learn to let go, it is safe to say... Epic failure on my part. I wanted so badly for you to remain my little girl. I am sorry for making you feel badly, and inadequate. I only wanted to help and be there for you, but I see now how my actions caused you to feel as if you were not measuring up. In truth Jen, it is I, who was not measuring up. I love you so very much and the bond of a mother and daughter can not, will not, ever be severed. We have traveled a very rocky path and now I feel as if we are within sight of the smooth road and I just wanted you to know, that I am proud of you, You Are wonderful, talented, hilarious and beautiful. I will always be here for you, but I will be waiting in the wings, no longer trying to hold onto center stage. It is your life and your time to make your choices. If you find you need me, always know I am here my daughter, please do not ever forget that. I love you. Love, Mom.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 03:58:32 +0000

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