For my dear foreign friends, pls share. And dont believe the - TopicsExpress


For my dear foreign friends, pls share. And dont believe the reports that the revolution in Ukraine is far-right and racist. Ppl of all nationalities and faiths have made this revolution. I have seen Ukrainians, Russians, Georgians, Armenians, Belarusians, British. I have also seen orthodox Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhists, Roman and Greek Catholics. The revolution in Ukraine happened thanks to each and everyone. Dont believe the allegations, where the only aim is to discredit our anti-crime revolution and to justify Russian intervention in our country, which is currently under way, apparently.... Dear All, We need to make sure that the media get our message. Lately, Ken Livingstone on his weekly Saturday phone in programme on LBC 97.3FM has been very negative about Maidan and Ukrainians in general. He and many other phone in listeners from the general British public have accused Ukrainians of being anti-semitic, neo-nazi fascists, and repeating other racist rhetoric. The London Broadcasting Corporation is the one of the most listened to London radio stations and has recently become nationwide. Ken Livingstone is a former mayor of London and former Member of Parliament. It is very important that everybody reacts instantly when anti-Ukrainian messages are being put forward on the media. We need to pick up the phone and call in to this station and others as soon as we hear this. They do take our calls and we can get through to millions of people this way. We need to put across the following messages: 1. Ukrainians are not and have never been anti-Semitic - atrocities have been committed by all countries in times of war, not just a small proportion of Ukrainians during the Second World War which is so vehemently pushed by the British media. We could mention that there are many Jewish people supporting the Maidan democracy movement, they are in the new government and are also part of the new self-defence force 2. Rabbis and Imams stand together in support of the democracy movement with other religious leaders in Kyiv 3. Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity was assured by the Budapest Memorandum in 1994, where the United Kingdom was one the the signatories along with the United States of America, France, China and most importantly Russia. As part of this agreement Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal. How can the UK now demand Iran and other countries ie. North Korea disarm if the United Kingdom does nothing to help Ukraine at this time and does not honour its commitment under this agreement? 4. There are many Russian speakers in Ukraine, but lets not forget that over 91% of people in Ukraine, which includes people of Russian origin voted for for an independent Ukraine in 1991. 5. Ukraine has suffered over hundreds of years at the hands of Russian Imperialism. There have been many atrocities, and one of these is the Holodomor Genocide in Ukraine in 1932-1933 where millions of Ukrainians were murdered by an artificial famine created by Russia. This is very well documented and the hurt still resonates very deeply within the Ukrainian psyche. 6. Russia is trying to provoke Ukraine into an armed response in order to create a war which will result in the break up Ukraine 7. Putin leads a corrupt criminal regime and the UK could react by imposing economic sanctions on all the assets and funds which he has hidden in the West. This was the case with the ex-President of Ukraine Vitkor Yanukovych and the British government has yet to date not imposed sanctions against him or his regime either. Canada along with Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein have imposed such sanctions; we are waiting for the UK to do the same. There are many other points which we could raise; we ask you to speak from the heart and make the British public aware of the true situation in Ukraine. The phone in details for LBC are 0845 60 60 973, but also be aware that your local radio stations as well as the BBC will be having on-going discussions about Ukraine. LBC LBC Radio Ltd 30 Leicester Square London WC2H 7LA Managing Editor and Group Head of News - James Rea LBC advertising sales - Donna McAllum Sponsorship & Promotions Controller - Clare Patterson Press and Media Enquiries - John Chittenden You can email the above by emailing: firstname.lastname@thisisglobal Be ready to react and correct any misinformation as Pro-Russian propaganda is out there.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 16:49:46 +0000

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