For my friends and family and fans this msg may seem profound and - TopicsExpress


For my friends and family and fans this msg may seem profound and even a little much for social media but please read because I I want you to know that you matter to me!!! You have all known me for a long time. I write this message with a mix of emotions! For those of you who have known me a long time know that integrity matters to me and that I do the best I can to treat everyone with respect and dignity. Professionally and personally I have devoted my life to giving back to different charitys and organizations. I truly believe in giving back what was freely given to me. You all know that fishing is my life and I have been blessed and fortunate to be able to do what I love for a living! And I have all of my fans, friends, and family to thank for my success. Its safe to say that Im not perfect I have to live with the choices of my life, bad or good, ugly or pretty and I do come from the school of rock and punk rock! And usually dont care for the B.S that gets in the way. This may give some people a negative perception of me, never the less, Im not about to change for anyone!!! Recently. I was let go by one of my sponsors. The reason given to me was that I had posted a cartoon of Jesus that the person making the decision thought was offensive. Actually.... the cartoon depicted Jesus as a cool bad ass and a good guy.... really it was funny and light in a world with so much pain!!! This individual also accused me of exaggerating how many seminars I did for them at a lodge that I have been a faithful part of for almost 10 years. This individual said that they were willing to over look it but the cartoon sealed the deal. I find this troubling that they would overlook a criminal action but let me go because of a funny cartoon. Needless to say this didnt add up. I feel sad because I gave this company almost 8 years of faithful and loyal service and never asked for much. Writing this post has me filled with conflict but at the end of the day... it doesnt matter!!! People all over the world are struggling and there is so much pain and suffering in the world that I couldnt give a flying rats ass for this current business and those involved! Im not gonna change for any of you phonys!! I really like the dude that I am. The people in my life and the ones that are going to be in my life matter and its sad that this has happened but this is not something I want to be a part of. I wish this company the best as they make a great product and I will always stand behind it regardless of this unfortunate business! I am who I am!! Like it or leave it! Thanks for listening everyone and thank you for all of your support in my life and career. I love you all!! I want you all to know that dreams come true and if you are ever struggling please keep the faith and keep your head up Ill never turn my back on any of you!!! #nevergiveup #struggles #perseverance #faith #hope #love #family #friends #fans
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 02:16:33 +0000

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