For my friends from different countries, as an American Citizen, a - TopicsExpress


For my friends from different countries, as an American Citizen, a woman, I speak to you with an open heart. I dont want war with you. You and I are human, and we ALL deserve to live a life and not survive but thrive. With war there is no solution. There are more deaths. We all have minds. We are not animals and even I tend to think animals are sometimes smarter than the human race. With our minds we could achieve the impossible, we just have to work at it. It is not easy for peace and you think it would be so easier today But, I mean I look at people getting into other peoples business if someone is living a different lifestyles and spend more time condemning people instead of reaching out and uplifting each other. Spend more time on saving the earth or feeding the hungry. If you spend more time preaching about any form of hate then what does that say about you as a human being? Everything is about commercialism and selling materialistic things around Christmas and yes I said it, Christmas, come on, we know Christmas does have the world Christ in it and people forgot that. When you have, or if you have the day off for Christmas, what really is that? It is the joy of a celebration. We forget the three wise men had brought gifts and good tiding to an infant born in a stable because there was no room in the inn. We have forgotten about value and more of what value anything materialistic thing is at Christmas time. You know I believe it isnt anything religion that will end the earth, I believe it is us, human, that will do it and we are doing a good job at destroying the earth. We keep destroying each other, we keep letting the real Evil win. There are good human beings everywhere, I just believe that. Why do we have to fight each other? Why cant people just step in my shoes and see what I see? I know I am not perfect, but I can not look at a person that is different than myself, who is living in a different country that much different. So my skin maybe white, but as I look at a chart for physical fitness and it shows a body without skin and it is just a drawn type diagram, there is no skin but shows the muscle. This diagram you can not tell what race, what religion this person is, which in a weird way is beautiful. We judge and judge each other. It is time to come together and be smart and be thinkers with the brains we have. The holiday season is among us and dont forget there are those out there that are less fortunate then ourselves.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:04:28 +0000

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