For my scorpion friends here is this weeks horescope..can ya - TopicsExpress


For my scorpion friends here is this weeks horescope..can ya relate? Say it with peonies, poetry and an oh-so dreamy twist. On Monday, communication planet Mercury decamps to Libra, your ethereal twelfth house until September 28. You’re less interested in reality than usual now, preferring to explore your boundless creativity and spirituality. For a change, the zodiac’s CIA agent is willing to don the rose-colored glasses. Don’t leave your magnifying glass TOO far out of reach, though. Focusing on the positive is one thing, but convenient denial can be detrimental (and so can deluding yourself). Count those margaritas while you’re at it. There’s an escapist quality afoot, and when you get started down that road, Scorpio, you don’t always, uh, know your limits. Your sign has a propensity for addiction, and falling off the wagon is no way to kick off the fall season. Your new f-word for these three weeks? Forgiveness. Yep. Mercury in the twelfth house is like a healing salve. Release a grudge, and let people off the hook. Acceptance is so much easier than trying to change people or fit them into your script. In some cases, this may mean ending a relationship, but you can do so with love instead of revenge fantasies (or unspoken bitterness). Besides, on Tuesday, romancer Venus makes her annual stopover to Scorpio, so there will be plenty of amour to go around. With the beatific planet in your sign until November 7, you’ll be radiant, magnetic and head turning, even in your tattered jeans. You might just have your hands full of admirers, Scorpio, unsure how to juggle them all. (What a fabulous “problem.”) This is a time of self-love, too. After all, if you don’t adore yourself and feel attention-worthy, it’s hard to fully appreciate it, isn’t it? To not own this gorgeous glow would be a real shame. Make sure you’re nurturing your own self-care. Stylista Venus in your sign could give you the urge to revamp your look, even making an edgy upgrade or going full-blown rock and roll. You’re definitely in the driver’s seat now, so steer your relationships in the direction YOU want them to go. Being vulnerable is certainly not on your “favorite things” list, but the light-hearted Venusian vibe will make it easier to discuss future plans playfully. The atmosphere can influence this, too, so use your “set designer” gifts to create the perfect backdrop for this “I’m so into you” conversation. Some Scorpios might even take a breather from the dating game, using this Venus cycle to ground into your own power and focus on developing a creative project. Wednesday brings a major moment, when structured Saturn and the moon’s North Node (the cosmic destiny point) have a rare meeting at eight degrees Scorpio. Your cherished personal dreams and impeccable planning skills merge in a meant-to-be moment. At long last! You’ll see clearly what it takes to make this happen. Saturn rules authority figures and industry heavyweights, so someone with mega power could come into your orbit, take you under his/her wing and help you forward your dreams. A prestigious offer could come, allowing you to cultivate leadership skills. But don’t sit around waiting for this magical discovery. Take the bull by the horns. At any time this week, you could charm your way right into the VIP room, and work it like a pro! Over the weekend, go-getter Mars and innovative Uranus play off each other beautifully, helping you gain major traction towards one of your goals. While everyone else is off playing, you’ll be in work mode, happily getting an edge on the competition. Don’t forget that parties CAN double as networking events, so make time to mingle with the elite. Strategic socializing, check!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 04:50:23 +0000

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