“For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her - TopicsExpress


“For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” No-no, I meant not the story of Juliet and Romeo but about our army stools, in fact J It was the first working day for me in the new role of someone-with-unclear-role-but-sitting-in-the-room-of-Deputy-Minister. Well, now I and Yuriy Husyev are like twins, I rented part of his Deputy Minister’s apartments. To be completely frank, the whole day today there were crowds of people working and terrifying assistants-secretaries-aides. So, to cut it short, the main task now is to prepare for the mobilization process. It starts in one week; it is discussed for one month and a half. And as always – no one was preparing for it; no one thought that I would be started. It’s a challenge… Thus, comrades potentially called to arms and their relatives, let’s see what the situation with apparel provisioning is: 1) Boots – thanks to fraternal people of Canada the good quality boots will be provided to everyone. 2) Summer combat fatigues – available almost for the whole fourth mobilization flow, at the moment the missing quantity is insignificant so we will make it. 3) Warm coats and trousers – available almost for the whole fourth mobilization flow (meaning uniform of the new type). In addition we may also say thanks to fraternal people of Canada for their supplies, however, here there is one point to be considered. Canadian uniform is NOT winter uniform according to our understanding and standards. Sweater or fleece jacket is needed as add-on. Tomorrow we will discuss this issue with representatives of Volunteer Association; maybe we will run some global volunteer project to cover this need. 4) Bulletproof vests and helmets – to be produced by Temp-3000, there is nothing else we can do. We are looking forward that also other suppliers are certified and for the time being will keep purchasing with the old agreements. Nice surprise: price stays at the level of 2014 even though steel and polymers are imported. One version is that the price stayed unchanged thanks to 0 kickback on this deal. Well, it’s a working concept, could be true, in fact. 5) Underwear and warm underwear – part is produced in Ukraine and another part is available thanks to fraternal people of Australia. 6) Balaclavas, gloves, socks-undershorts – the stock looks good. Part of the stock was accumulated in the storages and another part was collected thanks to fraternal people of Canada, Poland and Australia. 7) Sleeping pads and bags – purchasing process is started with the sets of 50 000 items. Producers, where are you? What is to be prepared for yourself: ballistic eyeglasses and masks, warm underwear (do not exaggerate), sanitary and hygienic stuff, thermos, sportswear (to be used for the run and in the evening in barracks) and, for the God’s sake, slippers for barracks. The rest according to our information will be provided centrally so probably this is going to be the first case since last year without “SOS-REPOST, my husband/brother/son goes to the army undressed/barefooted.” And here we come to the sad topic where we lose our nerve. While we managed to resolve the issue of lack of beds and tents, the issue of mattresses and cushions confused us. According to sanitary and hygienic norms, the cushions and mattresses should be cotton-made and there is no such production of appropriate scale in Ukraine. It’s a real rarity and artifact; all of us are mainly using orthopedic types now. In state reserve there are mattresses produced of “fluffed recycled material” (beh, I have no idea what kind of shit is that). To cut it short, it’s a home task for us. And then there was a phrase that did our evening. The representative of one of units reported about the plan for purchasing beds, dinner tables, benches and army stools: - Comrade Deputy Minister, let me report you. We need another 74 500 stools. - Hmmm, one second… We are mobilizing 50 000 people only. Why do we need 74 500 stools? - Comrade Deputy Minister, let me report you. In my report it is written that we need 74 500 stools. Dramatic pause… He did not manage to explain clearly how this exact number was calculated, so we agreed to buy 25 000. Guys, it’s a nightmare there. It’s a dark thick forest without any sign of light but now we are there, we will do our best.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 11:08:18 +0000

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