For once I had to sit and write something that makes sense. To - TopicsExpress


For once I had to sit and write something that makes sense. To the grade 10s and 12s, this is specifically meant for you. I know the exams are coming and most of you have that greatest fear in your minds. Its time you relax, get rid of your fears and focus on what is most important. Forget past mistakes, forget failure, forget everything except what you must do now and do it. Thou no one can go back and make a new start, anyone can start now and make a new ending. Your may have been smart or hard-working when you joined your school and then you suddenly dropped. That is not the end, you still have these few countable days to straighten and brighten up your future. Use these days wisely, study because you want to become someone someday and not because you have or because your guardians are forcing you to attend study sessions. Don’t waste the opportunity you are guaranted for free, it never returns. Don’t panic, read to understand and know what you are reading. Don’t read to copy and paste other people’s knowledge. Never limit your knowledge, consult your teachers, other learners, read from various books and old newspapers (trust me it works). Most of all do not have an attitude towards your work.” The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it cannot be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it”. If one can do it, why can’t you all do it if you are all human beings? Am not saying it is easy but what I am saying is that it will be worth it. Study and you shall pass well and only then will you be able to escape the great shame of failure and regrets when you see your colleagues at tertiary next year. Don’t boast with what you have now, rather aim for who you want to be next year. Don’t think you are still young and can improve next year, do it now! Cherish your being young by doing great than the old. Life is full of surprises. Those who are quite satisfied sit still and do nothing; those who are not are the sole benefactors of the world and you must aim to be a part of them. The biggest enemy is “FEAR OF FAILURE”. When FEAR knocks at your door, send courage to open the door and success will wait for you. Fall seven times and stand up eight. Candle of hope is source of light for successes in life so don’t lose it. Wish you all the best of luck throughout your exams and remember to always pray and think positively. Never give in. Never! Never! Never! Never!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:34:22 +0000

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