For once in my life, Im speechless. Totally speechless. On - TopicsExpress


For once in my life, Im speechless. Totally speechless. On Thursday evening after work, I penned a riposte to the 200 wonderful celebrities who so thoughtfully took time out from being cosseted millionaires to scrawl their famous names on a scrap of paper, a scrap of paper which told my country to vote no to the first true democracy ever on British soil. I subsequently shared this riposte both on my own page and on Vote YES to Scottish independence and end the union. It has recently topped 3000 likes and 3000 shares too. Given the sheer length of the missive, I still cant honestly believe that that many people have deemed it worthy to read all the way through and share to their friends. Im overwhelmed, and I choose that word very carefully. I just dont really know what to say here; none of my scribblings have ever received anywhere near that volume of feedback, and positive feedback at that. Im usually ready with a quip or some kind of smart-arse remark, but Im genuinely just agog with this. All I can really do is thank everyone who has shared this all over Scotland, Britain and throughout the world, and also thank the wonderful people who have taken time out to compliment me on my efforts. Thank you all. Id also like to point out that a good few No voters have shared this too, and I thank them for that. Debate is crucial; it is, after all, the lifeblood of democracy, and thats what this whole thing is about. This is such an exciting time to be Scottish. I can almost, in the words of Bob Dylan, feel the BC becoming AD. Its called change, its coming, and all the King Canutes who try and stop the tide of history will quite simply be washed aside in its wake. This thing is bigger than them, its bigger than me and you, its bigger than Alex Salmond or David Cameron: its MASSIVE. An entire nation is getting turned on to itself and beginning, despite the gainsaying of many of its own politicians, to wake up to its true potential in this world. We know what we believe, and were willing to do something about it. The next few weeks are, however, crucial. I would ask all of you who are in any way able to get out there, campaign, leaflet, debate and tell the entire world what we already know: Aye. We can.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:34:19 +0000

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