For one kind of life to evolve into another may be attributed to - TopicsExpress


For one kind of life to evolve into another may be attributed to the blind forces of nature, but the anthropic principle implies that these forces were set in motion deliberately, purposefully, with a view to producing precisely the living beings that biologists superficially presume to have gotten here by accident. Its one thing to say that the finchs beak and the moths hue and the human eye all evolved by chance. But the universe that lawfully produces finches, moths, and humans is quite clearly the product of intention and creative desisgn. So (Richard) Dawkinss refutation of Paley fails gloriously and completely. Paley was right all along. Dinesh DSouza from Whats So Great About Christianity
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:57:20 +0000

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