For people suddenly categorized as the 13thZodiac Sign, Ophiuchus, - TopicsExpress


For people suddenly categorized as the 13thZodiac Sign, Ophiuchus, the immediate and understandable response has often been confusion over what that means, exactly. Ophiuchus personality traits are likely to never be endorsed by Astrologers as a legitimate part of Western Astrology, which I discussed in my article New Zodiac Sign Dates, Ophiuchus the 13th Sign: Not so Fast, Astronomers, and so the following information is offered simply for entertainment value; I donot subscribe to this not-nearly-breaking-news announcement of new Zodiac Sign dates and Ophiuchus as the 13th Zodiac Sign. Ophiuchus Personality Traits: The Scorpio-Inspired Scorpio is a Water Sign, which has now been reduced to a mere 6 days by the new Zodiac Sign dates, and supposedly Ophiuchus will be joining those numbers to make a terribly imbalanced 4 Water Signs instead of the original 3/12. Ophiuchus is also the only Zodiac Sign supposedly based on an actual person, namely the healer Imhotep who lived in Ancient Egypt. Ophiuchus is said to be a natural healer, with vivid dreams and premonitions, who seeks wisdom and peace at a core level-all personality traits commonly attributed to Water Signs. To compound the Scorpio-Ophiuchus overlap, Ophiuchus personality traits include struggling with jealousy or being the target of jealousy, desire to succeed and be envied, success in an authority role, and a quest for knowledge often of the occult, unusual or mysterious kind. In Astrology, Scorpios are practically the Patron Saint of jealousy, whether wielding it or triggering it in others. They make fantastic investigators and scholars due to their innate affinity for knowledge and their capacity to understand and uncover the unknown; obscure medicine is often a field Scorpios are drawn to. Ophiuchus Personality Traits: The Sagittarius-Inspired Sagittarius is a philosophical sign, which continuously seeks further knowledge and greater understanding. They typically love a good discussion and insist on thinking for themselves to the point of disservice when it comes to friendly debates. Ophiuchus personality traits are being listed to include this nearly obsessive thirst for knowledge, which is both a boon and a bane for many born under the Zodiac Sign of Sagittarius. The Ophiuchus affinity for bright colors and flamboyant dress is also common among Sagittarius, who often patrons of unusual styles, Bohemian patterns, or the most obscure cutting-edge fashion trends. Further cross-over between Sagittarius and Ophiuchus personality traits include an interest in holistic and natural medicine, potential as an educator or teacher, a separation from family due to a wandering nature, and frequently being misunderstood. While I have not yet read a definitive argument over whether or not Ophiuchus will be a Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable Zodiac Sign, given the hybrid quality of Scorpio and Sagittarius my guess is that it will settle under Sagittarius group of Mutable, along with Scorpios Water Sign associations. Ophiuchus Personality Traits: In Conclusion Astrology has many overlaps between thetwelve Zodiac Signs personality traits, plus multiple signs being designated as Water Signs, Mutable Signs, etc. However, the Ophiuchus personality traits being discussed on the Web dont lend any real credibility to the argument for the 13th Zodiac Sign, considering there is nothing which makes Ophiuchus stand-out from the crowd. An affinity for healing is nothing new, nor is being the target of jealousy and envy. In the end, the media frenzy and viral status of the reported Ophiuchus personality traits, and these supposed new Zodiac Sign dates, will fade with very little change to modern Astrology. This is the Age of Aquarius, so headlines breaking with challenge the fundamental attributes of this faith-science hybrid are to be expected. The overwhelming response by everyday people who do not actively study Astrology has been wonderful; anything which makes us examine ourselves, read an article about Astrology, and learn about our true Zodiac Signs is a worthwhile trend, indeed.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:27:17 +0000

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