For public in Kathmandu and in some sensitive areas all over the - TopicsExpress


For public in Kathmandu and in some sensitive areas all over the country, just for awareness and some safety tips (NOT to scare): 1. Safety from regular bomb blast: When a bomb blasts, it hits upward in 45 degree in all directions. Natural reaction is that people run. However, the best is to fall flat, face down. Unless really close to the explosion, those lying on the ground have least chances of injury. However the problem could be stampede (people running over). In that case, remember that while lying face downwards, most sensitive area is the neck, so place one arm over back shoulder, back neck and the head, and place the other hand in between forehead and the ground. That way you can keep the neck, head and face safer. And yes, dont forget to breathe!! 2. Safety from petrol-bomb blast: Petrol is highly flammable, however it evaporates fast as well. The major impact it has is it transfers fire to an object fast and then the object burns using its own stuff. Since its winter, most of us will be wearing a jacket, better to wear a cap as well. If theres a petrol-bomb explosion and if you happen to catch the fire, the natural reaction is to extinguish the fire by tapping with hands and that does not help all the time. Best is to take the jacket and the cap off and throw some distance away, and to run your hands/palm over the exposed areas such as face and ears. You may lose some clothes but save yourself from injury. 3. Safety from stampede/rush: As mentioned above, falling flat on the ground is good for the situation of a blast. If its stampede alone, better to use this safety - there are two safe places you can always find on a road - (i) corner/wall of the footpath, and (ii) an electric or telephone pole in the middle of the street. In case of stampede, DO NOT RUN - depending on where you are, find a pole or the corner/wall of the footpath. (i) Electric/telephone pole - stand behind the pole. The pole will dispel people on both sides, giving enough space and safety to you. (ii) Wall/corner of the footpath - stick to the wall until the crowd slows down, in case of huge rush face the wall and cover your neck and face with arms. Please advise the people around as well who will be in the similar situation. Good to be helpful. Stay safe!!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 17:25:04 +0000

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