For reference, since its here... Ebola, virus Zaire strain – - TopicsExpress


For reference, since its here... Ebola, virus Zaire strain – August 2014 This outbreak is moving faster than our efforts to control it, Margaret Chan, chief of the World Health Organization Timeline: Day 1- Exposure Day 1 to 9: Incubation: Usually 4 to 9 days, up to 21 days On the 5th to 7th or 10th to 12th day after exposure - flu like symptoms and profound weakness 8th to 10th or 13th to 16th day after exposure - vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, low blood pressure, headaches, anemia 11th to 12th or 17th to 18th day after exposure - confusion, internal and or external bleeding, coma On the 13th or on the 19th day after exposure - death Fatality Rates: 90% with no medical care; or 60% currently with good supportive care in 1st world medical faucility Symptoms: Flu-like symptoms, malaria-like symptoms, profound weakness, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, low blood pressure, headaches, anemia, rashes, decreased functioning of the liver and kidneys, confusion, internal bleeding, bleeding from the gums, eyes, ears, and genitals, coma, death Infection Routes: Exposure With Contact (touching) infected meats (i.e. pigs, bat or primate); Contact (touching) the SKIN of an infected person; Infected human’s bodily fluids, semen, saliva, vomit and/or diarrhea; Contact with items and or equipments that have been contaminated with the virus. Virus Survival Outside The Body: Couple of days, at room temperature What IsTaking Place In The Body: *Ebola virus invades bodys cells and replicates. It then burst out the body cells with produced protein called ebolavirus glycoprotein, and activates cytokines. *Ebolavirus glycoprotein then attaches to the cells on the inside of the blood vessels, which increases permeability of the blood vessels. *Hemorrhagic symptoms: The virus cause the infected person’s blood to leak out of his/hers vessels (whether they see the leakage or not). *Ebola virus blocks the signaling to white blood cells (Neutrophils). Ebola travels on immune cells to other parts of the body, like the liver, kidney, spleen and brain *The body’s cytokines causes an inflammatory (flu-like) response
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 23:35:03 +0000

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