For sensitives/mediums & light workers the year of the horse will - TopicsExpress


For sensitives/mediums & light workers the year of the horse will probably be a year that will have long reaching effects into our careers. If you really want to see the ego up close & personal, step inside my industry. For when you truly embark on a spiritual path, you will find it littered with disillusionment , passive aggressiveness, clique mentality, spiritual snobbery & those with questionable mental health/ morality issues & thats just the practitioners! As you spend all your savings, training & educating yourself, you then have to run the gauntlet of the amateur god gave you gifts not to charge brigade who will bombard you with shaming tactics to dissuade you from following your truth. Skeptics will always remain just that. For those who believe- no proof is necessary, for those who dont - nothing will ever be enough. This year has acted as a filter of sorts. Ive witnessed disrespect first hand as attitudes to mediumship & its teaching are changing. Ive spoken about the McSpirituality phenomena as we live in an instant society that demands instant results. People simply are not willing to put the work in. Ive seen individuals rush through level 1,2 & 3 of Reiki to practise on unsuspecting clients as they announce themselves as Reiki Master. Sounds so prestigious - doesnt it? True Practitioners roll there eyes in despair as new invented / non regulated forms of reiki worm their way into the market place, alongside lofty assurances of their power. Ive coined the phrase reiki black belt! , to be conferred on those that deem themselves high up the spiritual ladder of enlightenment- god love them! Its now evolved to include Mcmediums (see where Im going with this?) : students who upon doing one weekend workshop or beginners course set themselves up as the next John Edwards. These individuals are only interested in fame. We call them glory hunters. On their own, harmless enough-but when they set themselves up as teachers they can do real damage. Again, because its an unregulated industry it falls upon those of us within the industry to uphold the integrity of our profession. Word of mouth tends to be the way word gets around. Anyhow this year has certainly sorted the weak from the strong. Sensitives have been tested in all areas. The October mercury retrograde completely wiping out energy reserves that were almost depleted. It forced us to take a sharp look within. Decisions followed. Unless you can truly appreciate your own self worth you will have been dragged through that proverbial hedge, as the runaway year of the horse galloped through your life destroying all in its path. You will have found yourself truly questioning your path/ vocation as friendships/relationships disintegrated under the strain of truth. As you had nothing left to give, the takers had nothing left to take from you & revealed their true nature. If you want to give God a laugh- tell him your plans! Nothing could be truer about this year. Ive had many discussions with my fellow mediums & healers. The similarities are astounding with regard to the adversities we have all faced this year. All of us will have been put under pressure professionally. How we work,when we work, how long we work, where we work, who we associate / affiliate with etc No stone was left unturned this year. Spirit literally pulling the plug on courses/ clients / workshops etc In retrospect you can see why & how divine intervention kicked in....try explain that one to your bank manager!! ( my chi wasnt flowing right!!) However, what Ive also witnessed were sensitives stepping into their power. Learning to say No! Enforcing boundaries. Being respectful of other colleagues. Managing difficult/ unsuitable clients (ie: clients with mental health problems/ referrals etc) Honouring their own unique contribution, valuing their time & energy. Ive learned so much this year. Im grateful for the wisdom gained. I finish this year with peace in my soul. I can close the stable door of the horse as I understand her purpose was to open my eyes. She has shown me my strengths & laid bare my weaknesses. Ive been able to make changes where I felt appropriate & accepted my flaws, hell, even embrace them at this stage! As we enter the final stages of this year, I call upon all mediums & healers to unite. Unite in our service to spirit. In our vocation to uplift & empower. Let us help one another, rather than hinder progress. Instead of pouring scorn on anothers ability pour praise. For those who truly care about honouring spirit shall follow & those who are simply interested in their own agendas, whispering of entities & dark shadows will eventually have nowhere to run from their own Karma. The year of the ram 2015 is a year of creativity, inspiration & compassion. Its a great year for planning workshops & courses. (Personally, vision boards will be fantastic for manifesting) Trying out new venues. Furthering your own spiritual development. Visiting sacred sites ( Glastonbury, Tara, Matchu pitchu, etc) Fantastic time for networking, meeting like minded souls or collaborating on new projects/ ventures. Above all, be gentle with your beautiful soul. You make such a difference. Because of you, someone has made a breakthrough in their lives , because of you, peace has been restored as a family knows their loved one is at peace, because of you a client knows they have the power to change their lives. Never doubt the affect you have had in a someones life. Believe in the power of spirit Believe in the power of you Believe that the endings this year has brought, will lead to significant new beginnings in this new year ©Fiona Faery
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:58:32 +0000

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