For several days in Seriously Real Life Event in - TopicsExpress


For several days in Seriously Real Life Event in Dangerous February / Saturday / 26 / 1983 Don Decker was possessed by a demonic force that caused him to make it rain indoors, levitate and bleed from mysterious scratches that suddenly appeared on his body. Sound too bizarre to be true Story Real Life events New Zealand researcher Robert Bartholomew says residents should be skeptical of the case, which gained Stroudsburg paranormal notoriety.His research, trying to crack the case of Stroudsburgs Rain Boy, was fittingly published in the most recent issue of Skeptic magazine.Witnesses believed Decker was possessed by the devil and even recounted the events for two popular TV shows — Unsolved Mysteries in 1993 and most recently Paranormal Witness, which aired in November 2011 on the Syfy Channel.Bartholomew, who is originally from Whitehall, N.Y., and is now a teacher at the Botany Downs Secondary College in New Zealand, frequently writes about the paranormal for medical and sociology journals.Why didnt anyone videotape or photograph these events, despite cameras and videotape being widely available? Bartholomew writes. It is beyond belief that if these events were as dramatic as they claimed, no one snapped pictures. The devil and Don Decker It was February / Saturday / 26 / 1983 Deckers grandfather had just died, and he was on compassionate leave from Monroe County Correctional Facility, where he was serving time for receiving stolen property. During his leave, Decker stayed at the Ann Street home rented by family friends Bob and Jeannie Kieffer. (The home has since been demolished.) Decker was in the upstairs bathroom washing up for supper when he fell to the floor and said he had a vision of an old man wearing a crown in a window.Deep scratches suddenly appeared on his wrist. Decker told the Kieffers about the incident when he sat down to eat. Shortly after, the family heard a loud noise from above and noticed water dripping from the walls and ceiling. Kieffer phoned his landlord, Ron Van Why, and the pair went to investigate. The two thought it might be leaky pipes, but the only pipes were located on the other side of the house, Kieffer said during his 2011 interview on Paranormal Witness. The men also noticed Decker seemed to be in a trance, so they called local police. Claw marks on his neck According to reports of the event, Officer John Baujan and Officer Richard Wolbert responded. In his interview with Paranormal Witness, Baujan said he, too, believed Decker was possessed and decided to call then-Chief of Police Gary Roberts to the house. Roberts was not convinced anything unnatural was going on and ordered his officers to leave and not file a report. The next day, officers William Davies and John Rundle visited the Kieffer home against Roberts wishes. During their time at the home, Davies and Rundle said they witnessed Decker burn himself on a gold cross, be lifted up and thrown across the room by an unseen force, shortly after which three claw marks appeared on Deckers neck.The rain lasted from Friday through Sunday night. Exorcism The day after it stopped at the Ann Street home, Decker was taken back to Monroe County Correctional Facility, where the rain allegedly followed him.Officers on duty at the jail described the water seeming to defy gravity as it traveled up the cell walls and flew sideways through the air. Then-shift supervisor Dave Keenhold became convinced something supernatural was going on after a drop of water supposedly flew across the room and hit him in the chest. Other officers on duty that night said they had dared Decker to make it rain on the shift supervisor. Convinced an evil force was involved, Keenhold called the jails chaplain, William Blackburn, to perform an exorcism.After the ritual, the events never happened again.Cracking the case Bartholomew repeatedly questions why the events werent recorded if they were as dramatic as portrayed in witness accounts.Why not phone the local TV station to record this event? All we are left with are eyewitness accounts from excited observers with a world view that includes the reality of the devil, Bartholomew writes in his article. He believes stress, and even the weather, could have played a role in the bizarre events. Human perception is notoriously unreliable even under ideal conditions. Stress can alter perceptions, and it is difficult to imagine few events more stressful than believing you are in the presence of a man who is possessed by demonic forces, Bartholomew writes. At the time of the events, Decker was under extreme stress, serving time in jail and experiencing the death of a relative. While so-called trance states may be triggered by stress and do not necessarily denote mental illness or disorder, they are also easily faked. It is remarkable Decker did not receive medical attention; instead, attempts were made to exorcise him, the article says. As for the rain, a report by the Manufactured Housing Research Alliance says Pennsylvania is at moderate to high risk for winter moisture problems, with one of the most severe events being ice damming. This is caused by warm air entering an attic that melts snow on the outer surface of a roof, resulting in an accumulation of ice under which pools of water form and leak. Ever the skeptic Skeptic magazine is published by The Skeptics Society, a nonprofit organization whose mission, according to its website, is to engage leading experts in investigating the paranormal and extraordinary claims of all kinds and to promote critical thinking. The societys executive director and magazine publisher, Michael Shermer, is also a monthly columnist for Scientific American. Why be a skeptic? Bartholomew said. I want to believe in the paranormal. I would describe myself as an open-minded researcher who follows where the facts lead, and in this instance, its an indictment of TV docudramas. I do not think those involved are lying. I think it is a classic case of social delusion. If these events happened the way people claim they did, over several days, it is beyond belief that no one took photos. HOME Don Decker was in prison for receiving stolen property. All he wanted was to serve his sentence and get himself back on track. So when his abusive grandfather died and Don was given a weekend pass for the funeral he wasnt saddened by the passing—and admitted to being glad the man was gone. When Dons mother refused him a place to stay, Don stayed with Bob Kieffer, a family friend who wanted to help Don straighten his life out. Don was in the bathroom washing up for supper when a feeling overcame him that he could only describe as weird. That moment changed everything. As he tried to dry his hands, it felt as though the air had gone out of the room and he was standing in a vacuum. He was so very cold. His eyes went to the window, where the face of an old man wearing a crown laughed back. Something cut deep claw marks into his forearm. When it all stopped, and he was able to gather himself to go down to supper, Don couldnt bring himself to discuss what happened. Whod believe hed been attacked in an otherwise empty bathroom? Bob immediately noticed the marks on Dons arm and Don insisted he didnt do it. He told Bob there was something upstairs.After supper, as everyone relaxed in the living room, a cold burst just like the one Don felt upstairs entered the room. Jeannie looked at a wall and told Bob they had, a problem. Water ran down the wall; water without a source. There were no pipes to that part of the house. The room above the living room was a bedroom with no need for plumbing. When Bob touched the fluid, it proved to be sticky. Slowly, the water drops began cascading from the ceiling. Bob called Ron, his landlord, and begged him to come over. When Ron and his wife arrived, Ron and Bob went upstairs to check on things even though Bob was afraid at what might lie ahead Don remained on the couch, convinced his grandfathers spirit was trying to hurt him As Ron and Bob checked everything they found no leaks in the bathroom and nothing else upstairs was out of sorts. When they returned to the living room, Don was staring unresponsive into space. With the rain still falling, Ron was stunned to see water begin to rain toward the ceiling. Bob called the police, reaching John Baujaun. John knew Bob, and John realized that Bob had a situation he couldnt handle on his own, as wasnt Bobs purview. While the group stood staring, one large drop formed in midair and shot off into the darkness of the kitchen. Officer Baujaun was at a loss. He and his partner went back to their patrol car and left, unable to help. Everyone began connecting the incident to Don. Jeannie and Rons wife moved Don into the kitchen and began relentlessly interrogating him. Don remained blank and silent. Then the clattering began. Pots, pans, dishes, everything that could rattle, did. Something lifted Don straight up, flinging him five or six feet into the corner. It was that act that woke Don from his trance. Don realized hed been attacked again. When he looked at his injured arm, there were new claw marks, this time resembling a kings crown, and the marks were now on both arms. Ron was convinced he was in the presence of an evil force, and it was acting on Don. They brought Don into the dining room and tried to dress the wounds. Their first thought was to get out the Bible while officer Baujaun was already on his way back to the house, not wanting to leave the Kieffers in a lurch. As Jeannie began from the Bible, the water had turned its attention to her and only her. The following morning, the rain stopped and he never returned to the Kieffer house. It was time for Don to go back to the jail to finish his sentence, yet he knew whatever was wrong was still with him. Warden Dave Keenhold also noticed that something was not normal with Don as soon as he returned to the jail. Dons new demeanor frightened the other inmates. Don felt as though he had harnessed the energies that had come to him. He was able to make it rain in his cell, in every direction possible. Dons cellmate begged for help. That trick got Don his own cell. On the dare of two guards, Don was able to create a raindrop and direct it through several locked doors and into another part of the prison to the warden, where it hit Dave squarely in the chest. Dave immediately called in the prison chaplain for an exorcism. The more the priest spoke, the more Don smelled rotting flesh. The room filled with rain, but it never hit the Bible in the chaplains hands. The odor became more intense. Don knew he smelled death. Don screamed in agony, and the rain stopped. The chaplain called out to escape the room. Don opened his eyes, hoping it was all over. Twenty-seven years have passed without incident. The spirit of his abusive grandfather cannot touch him anymore. It was the case that put Stroudsburg on the paranormal map, and now a New Zealand researcher is trying to crack it wide open. Longtime Stroudsburg residents may recall the 1983 case of Don Decker, who was, according to reports at the time, possessed by an evil force that gave him the power to make it rain indoors. What makes the case so compelling is that the events were witnessed by at least four police officers and several officers at the Monroe County Correctional Facility. Witnesses believed Decker was possessed by the devil and even recounted the events for two popular TV shows — Unsolved Mysteries in 1993 and most recently Paranormal Witness, which aired in November on the Syfy Channel. The case came to the attention of New Zealand medical sociologist Robert Bartholomew after a fellow researcher heard of the events but could find no scientific explanation for them. Bartholomew, who is originally from Whitehall, N.Y., and is now a teacher at the Botany Downs Secondary College in New Zealand, frequently writes about the paranormal for medical and sociology journals. He co-authored the Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior, and his work has appeared in many publications, such as The British Journal of Psychiatry, The International Journal of Psychiatry and New York Folklore Magazine. I have no ties to Stroudsburg. Perhaps as an outsider I can be seen as an impartial third party, he said. My goal is to understand what happened. Feb. 26, 1983 The following account is drawn from Paranormal Witness and a draft of Bartholomews research report: Deckers grandfather had just died, and he was on compassionate leave from Monroe County Correctional Facility, where he was serving time for receiving stolen property. During his leave, Decker stayed at the Ann Street home rented by family friends Bob and Jeannie Kieffer. (The home has since been demolished.) Decker said he was in the upstairs bathroom washing up for supper when suddenly he felt strange and confused. He fell to the floor and had a vision of an old man wearing a crown in a window. Decker also had deep scratches that suddenly appeared on his wrist. Kieffer noticed the blood when Decker sat down to eat and asked what happened. Decker told him about his vision and attributed the wound to Satan. Shortly after, the family heard a loud noise from above and noticed water dripping from the walls and ceiling. Kieffer phoned his landlord, Ron Van Why, and the pair went to investigate. According to Kieffers interview on Paranormal Witness, the two thought it might be leaky pipes, but the only pipes were to the kitchen and bathroom, located on the other side of the house. The men noticed Decker seemed to be in a trance, so Kieffer decided to call police. According to reports of the event, Officer John Baujan, who now serves as chief of Stroud Area Regional Police, and Officer Richard Wolbert responded. Not only was it raining indoors, it appeared to be coming up from the floor, defying gravity, they said. Possessed by the devil After the police left, Kieffer and Van Why confronted Decker. During the confrontation, they said pots and pans began clanging in the kitchen and Decker levitated off the floor. He was flung against the wall and more scratches appeared, this time in the shape of a cross near his inner elbow. Baujan later returned to the house to find Jeannie Kieffer in the living room reading the Bible, trying to exorcise Decker. In his interview with Paranormal Witness, Baujan said he, too, believed Decker was possessed and decided to call then-Chief of Police Gary Roberts to the house. Roberts was not convinced that anything unnatural was going on and ordered his officers to leave and not file a report. The next day, officers William Davies and John Rundle visited the Kieffer home against Roberts wishes. Davies said he handed Decker a gold cross, which Decker dropped, claiming it burned his skin. All of a sudden, Decker lifted up off the ground and was thrown across the room with a force as though a bus had hit him, the men said, and three claw marks appeared on Deckers neck, Bartholomew said in his paper. Weather-related? Bartholomew believes science can explain what happened. The draft of his research quotes theories on stress, the weather at the time and the possibility the mysterious rain could have come from an ice dam on the roof of the home where Decker was staying. Ice damming can happen when warm air enters an attic space and melts snow on the roof. When temperatures drop at night, ice can form. Water can become trapped under the ice and eventually leak into the house. According to Bartholomews research, ice damming is common after major snowstorms in areas where temperatures rise above freezing during the day and below 32 degrees at night. Weather records show daytime highs in the 40s and 50s and nighttime lows in the 20s and 30s in the days leading up to the events. There was also a major snowstorm in the Poconos 13 days before the indoor rain. Believers still believe Before, I wasnt superstitious. I didnt really think much about this kind of thing until it happened. I believe now. I believe this stuff can go on, said Ron Van Why, who still lives in Stroudsburg with his wife Romayne, both of whom are now 65. Van Why remembers getting the call from Bob Kieffer that something was wrong. It was a Friday night, and Kieffer wouldnt tell Van Why what was happening, only that he had to get to the house right away. When Van Why arrived at the house that night in February, he didnt notice anything at first. As I sat there, I got wet, and I thought it was one of the kids with a squirt gun, he said. I looked at Bob and said, Whats going on? He said, I have no idea, thats why I called you down here. The rain was very light, but it was everywhere, coming from the ceiling, walls and up from the floor, Van Why said. Everyone was in shock about what they were seeing, and so thats why they phoned the police. At one point during the investigation, police circled Decker and put a bag over his head to make sure he wasnt spitting, Van Why said. It was then that Van Why saw Decker levitate. It lifted him off the ground and threw him half-way across the room, Van Why said. Prayer stopped rain Kieffer says it was the weirdest weekend of my life. I knew the rain had nothing to do with the plumbing, and I just wanted someone to come down there and help. Lets put it this way, I was scared s—-less. The family became really frightened when their Labrador retriever, who normally slept upstairs in the bathroom, refused to even go near the stairs. We thought maybe someone else was in the house. We didnt know what, or who, but we just knew we needed someone there to help. The rain lasted from Friday through Sunday night, Kieffer said. It stopped on Sunday after he called family friend and Philadelphia-based pastor Justina Hall. When Hall entered the home, she immediately started praying. After about an hour, the rain stopped and Decker looked like he was at peace, Kieffer said. The Kieffers lived in the house for about two more years after the experience, but they never were able to remove the stains on the rain splattered walls. Kieffer believes the rain could have had to do with Deckers grandfather. Donnys grandfather was not a nice person, Kieffer said. I dont know what you want to call it, but I think it was the old mans spirits. Attempts to reach Decker for comment were unsuccessful. The day after the rain stopped at the Ann Street home, Decker was taken back to Monroe County Correctional Facility. Your shirt! Back at the jail, reports of Deckers rain followed him. Witnesses say his cellmate was so panicked that he asked to be moved. Dave Keenhold was working the 3 to 11 p.m. shift as a supervisor one night after Decker returned to the jail. Some of the other officers on duty described water seeming to defy gravity as it traveled up the cell walls and flew sideways through the air, Keenhold said, although he did not go into the cell himself. Keenhold had just been called to a holding cell for new inmates, about 150 feet from the cell where Decker was located. Officers would have had to go through a set of solid doors to get to Deckers cell. One of the officers called me over and he looked at me, his eyes got real big, he pointed to my shirt and said, Your shirt! The officer explained to Keenhold that Decker was dared to prove his powers and make it rain on the shift supervisor. At first, Keenhold thought he spilled something on his shirt, but he hadnt been around any water recently. The rain on his shirt had a strange consistency, almost like silicone, he said. The other officer said, Decker did that, and as he spoke the words, both men looked down the hall toward Deckers cell, Keenhold recalled. At that time, we both saw this little ball, about the size of a pencil eraser. It came whipping around the corner and came straight at us, it didnt arc like how when you throw a ball, Keenhold said. The little ball of water struck Keenhold in the chest and kind of splashed off. Keenhold said he called a plumber to investigate the reports of water in Deckers cell. When the plumber went into the cell, he became so upset he turned around and walked out. He said, Dont call me for this kind of stuff. He didnt really say what he saw, but I knew what he saw, Keenhold said. The officers in the jail were so shocked by the events they agreed not to discuss it with anyone. They were afraid people would think they were crazy and they would lose their credibility — or worse, their jobs, Keenhold said. The event convinced Keenhold that Decker was possessed, and he called on the jails chaplain, William Blackburn, to perform an exorcism. After the ritual, the events never happened again. Looking into eyes of devil The story was covered up for about 10 years until Unsolved Mysteries came to town to film. Keenhold decided to come forward after seeing how many credible witnesses there were in the case. As for Bartholomews scientific explanations, Keenhold calls them hogwash. I do not believe any of that for one iota, he said. People have questioned Keenholds experience. People asked why didnt we have the water analyzed when it hit any of us. We all said the same thing, including the police: It evaporated within a moment or so, Keenhold said. The experience solidified Keenholds faith in God. We were just sick to our stomachs over this whole thing, Keenhold said. One of the officers actually told me, We were looking into the eyes of the devil. We didnt realize who we were messing with. Subject Names: Don Decker, Bob Kieffer and his wife Jeannie, Bobs landlord Ron and his wife, Officer John Baujaun, Dave Keenhold Subject Location: Stroudsberg, PA, 1983 Paranormal Experience: A young man is possessed by what he believes is the spirit of his abusive grandfather Don Decker was in prison for receiving stolen property. All he wanted was to serve his sentence and get himself back on track. So when his abusive grandfather died and Don was given a weekend pass for the funeral he wasnt saddened by the passing—and admitted to being glad the man was gone. When Dons mother refused him a place to stay, Don stayed with Bob Kieffer, a family friend who wanted to help Don straighten his life out. Don was in the bathroom washing up for supper when a feeling overcame him that he could only describe as weird. That moment changed everything. As he tried to dry his hands, it felt as though the air had gone out of the room and he was standing in a vacuum. He was so very cold. His eyes went to the window, where the face of an old man wearing a crown laughed back. Something cut deep claw marks into his forearm. When it all stopped, and he was able to gather himself to go down to supper, Don couldnt bring himself to discuss what happened. Whod believe hed been attacked in an otherwise empty bathroom? Bob immediately noticed the marks on Dons arm and Don insisted he didnt do it. He told Bob there was something upstairs. After supper, as everyone relaxed in the living room, a cold burst just like the one Don felt upstairs entered the room. Jeannie looked at a wall and told Bob they had, a problem. Water ran down the wall; water without a source. There were no pipes to that part of the house. The room above the living room was a bedroom with no need for plumbing. When Bob touched the fluid, it proved to be sticky. Slowly, the water drops began cascading from the ceiling. Bob called Ron, his landlord, and begged him to come over. When Ron and his wife arrived, Ron and Bob went upstairs to check on things even though Bob was afraid at what might lie ahead. Don remained on the couch, convinced his grandfathers spirit was trying to hurt him. As Ron and Bob checked everything they found no leaks in the bathroom and nothing else upstairs was out of sorts. When they returned to the living room, Don was staring unresponsive into space. With the rain still falling, Ron was stunned to see water begin to rain toward the ceiling. Bob called the police, reaching John Baujaun. John knew Bob, and John realized that Bob had a situation he couldnt handle on his own, as wasnt Bobs purview. While the group stood staring, one large drop formed in midair and shot off into the darkness of the kitchen. Officer Baujaun was at a loss. He and his partner went back to their patrol car and left, unable to help. Everyone began connecting the incident to Don. Jeannie and Rons wife moved Don into the kitchen and began relentlessly interrogating him. Don remained blank and silent. Then the clattering began. Pots, pans, dishes, everything that could rattle, did. Something lifted Don straight up, flinging him five or six feet into the corner. It was that act that woke Don from his trance. Don realized hed been attacked again. When he looked at his injured arm, there were new claw marks, this time resembling a kings crown, and the marks were now on both arms. Ron was convinced he was in the presence of an evil force, and it was acting on Don. They brought Don into the dining room and tried to dress the wounds. Their first thought was to get out the Bible while officer Baujaun was already on his way back to the house, not wanting to leave the Kieffers in a lurch. As Jeannie began from the Bible, the water had turned its attention to her and only her. The following morning, the rain stopped and he never returned to the Kieffer house. It was time for Don to go back to the jail to finish his sentence, yet he knew whatever was wrong was still with him. Warden Dave Keenhold also noticed that something was not normal with Don as soon as he returned to the jail. Dons new demeanor frightened the other inmates. Don felt as though he had harnessed the energies that had come to him. He was able to make it rain in his cell, in every direction possible. Dons cellmate begged for help. That trick got Don his own cell. On the dare of two guards, Don was able to create a raindrop and direct it through several locked doors and into another part of the prison to the warden, where it hit Dave squarely in the chest. Dave immediately called in the prison chaplain for an exorcism. The more the priest spoke, the more Don smelled rotting flesh. The room filled with rain, but it never hit the Bible in the chaplains hands. The odor became more intense. Don knew he smelled death. Don screamed in agony, and the rain stopped. The chaplain called out to escape the room. Don opened his eyes, hoping it was all over. Twenty-seven years have passed without incident. The spirit of his abusive grandfather cannot touch him anymore. PARANORMAL WITNESS CREDITS Season 1, Episode 106 The Rain Main INTERVIEWS Director of Photography Mark Molesworth Sound Donna Bertaccini Story Producers Peter Johonnett Amy Lee-Jones Researcher Paul Windle DRAMA Casting Director Gloria Mann Director of Photography Joel Devlin Sound Mixer Chad Hunt Gaffer Josh Pelham Electric Mike ONeil Generator Michael Preuss Key Grip Brett Hughes 1st Assistant Camera Garth Archibald Camera Trainee Devon Chytil Make-Up &Hair Robert Prince Location Manager Dimitri Komessarios Location P.A. John OLeary Unit Manager Daniel Lee Driver Kyle Brunet Catering Blazing Kitchen 1st Assistant Director Mark Macdonald 2nd Assistant Director Ben Marrello Set P.A. Ryan Delaney Art Director Sasha Tolstoy Set Dressers Kyle Thornhill Bobby Adabie Nicholson Michael Hall Costume Supervisor Ginger Martini Production Co-Ordinator Guillermo Garcia Assistant Production Co-Ordinator Gerson Pe¤a Field Producer Tim Riding Associate Producer Sarah Zammitt Costume Designer Peter Olzcak Production Designer Florian Schuck Drama Line Producer Eric Beldowski Producer for Cream Productions Kate Harrison PRODUCTION Executive in Charge of Production Piers Vellacott Post-Production Coordinator Georgina Buck Production Coordinator Kavita Chopra Legal Services Smithdehn Llc Insurance Services Media Insurance Editing Facilities Prime Focus Special Effects Fluid Pictures Music Ty Unwin Colorist Richard Fearson Dubbing Mixer Wid Cook Online Editor Bjorn Thompson Line Producer Simon Mills Director Neil Rawles Showrunner Mark Lewis Executive Producers Dimitri Doganis Bart Layton Writing for Poconorecord, Christina Tatu tells a version of the events which befell 21yr old Don Decker back in 1983 in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. She writes that: Deckers grandfather had just died, and he was on compassionate leave from Monroe County Correctional Facility, where he was serving time for receiving stolen property. During his leave, Decker stayed at the Ann Street home rented by family friends Bob and Jeannie Kieffer. He fell to the floor and had a vision of an old man wearing a crown in a window. Decker also had deep scratches that suddenly appeared on his wrist. Kieffer noticed the blood when Decker sat down to eat and asked what happened. Decker told him about his vision and attributed the wound to Satan. Shortly after, the family heard a loud noise from above and noticed water dripping from the walls and ceiling. The men noticed Decker seemed to be in a trance, so Kieffer decided to call police. According to reports of the event, Officer John Baujan, who now serves as chief of Stroud Area Regional Police, and Officer Richard Wolbert responded. Not only was it raining indoors, it appeared to be coming up from the floor, defying gravity, they said. You can read the rest of Tatu’s article or alternatively the episode of Paranormal Witness which recreates the events and interviews the witnesses is available on She goes on to videos show how, much like in Fort’s day, Scientists have stepped forward to “solve” this mystery. As for Decker and those who witnessed the events? They’re convinced that he was possessed by a demonic entity. Officers were called again. The officers arrived at the house with another officer John Rundle. It was Rundle that wanted to see if Decker was demonized. Rundle placed a bag over Don’s head and put things in Don’s hands while they were behind his back. He did this to see if there would be any reaction to each item, which included a crucifix. His hands suffered burns when the crucifix was placed in his hands. Don again levitated and was thrown across the room were he lay unconscious with what appeared to be claw marks about his neck. When Don’s furlough was over, he left the the Kieffer’s house and went back to jail. After being in his cell for a few minutes, warden David Keenhold heard some commotion coming from the area where Don was housed. One of his officers came in, stared at him in disbelief, and exclaimed “Your shirt!”. When Keenhold looked down, he saw that the area around his sternum was saturated with water. It turned out that when the guards had heard of the recent events at the Kieffer household, one of them had dared Don to make it rain in the Keenhold’s office. Just for good measure, it also started raining inside Don’s jail cell. At this point, Keenhold decided to call in Reverend William Blackburn to perform an exorcism. When the reverend entered the cell, Don began begging for his help. Blackburn instead tried to accuse Don of making up everything that had happened (once again going with the “poke the evil entity with a stick” method). At that point, Don’s demeanor completely changed from the trance-like states he had entered during the prior events. He claimed to have great power, rubbed his fingers together, and rain began to pour inside the cell. At this point, Blackburn realized it was time to do his best Father Karrass impression and start fighting this demon with the word of God. He pulled out his Bible and began reading from it…which was surprisingly easy, since unlike everything else around him, the pages did not get wet. Unlike in the movies, however, it only took a few minutes and very little struggling for Don to suddenly seem at peace as the rain stopped. To this day, Don Decker has never experienced the terrible feelings or occurrences that he did during that weekend almost 30 years ago. He firmly believes that it was the spirit of his grandfather coming back to harm him from the grave. While nothing can prove that it was the spirit of his dead grandfather or some other sort of demonic possession, there were multiple eye witnesses (many of whom are high ranking police officials) that saw the same impossibly strange occurrences at different points in time. They also managed to all keep their stories very consistent in interviews that were done almost 20 years apart. There also wasn’t much for the police witnesses to gain from all of this except for ridicule, possible loss of their jobs, and a coveted, unpaid interview on a SyFy or Lifetime channel program. Embedded below is an episode of Paranormal Witness (2011) about the Don Decker incident. Unfortunately, the Unsolved Mysteries episode (1993) about it has been removed from Youtube (but you can still find the show’s wiki page here) While the melodrama gets kicked up to an almost sickening degree at times, you do get to see the subjects go on camera to get interviewed (and age fairly well). I guess there’s a chance this could all be one of the most elaborate hoaxes of all time, but even the most skeptical atheist would have to admit that just maybe, an evil presence was somehow involved. Video link; Le mystère de Donnie Decker, ” Rainboy ” [2] by LPDE Sound too bizarre to be true Story Real Life New Zealand researcher Robert Bartholomew says residents should be skeptical of the case, which gained Stroudsburg paranormal notoriety
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 21:53:20 +0000

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