For so many years, we longed for... hoped for.... prayed for a - TopicsExpress


For so many years, we longed for... hoped for.... prayed for a baby. God answered our prayers and gave us you. We didnt know it would be for such a short time. But we know you are His gift to us. Your short little life imprinted forever upon our hearts. But you are not a baby any more. Youre a toddler now! In my heart I can see you walking with the angels and running the streets of gold. You fall asleep to angel lullabies. You dance with Jesus.... twirling....giggling...eyes shining bright with your Fathers love. In my heart, I see all of this and so much more... and I smile. You would have been celebrating your 2nd birthday this month, maybe today, if you had been born. There would have been cake and presents and balloons. I know that what you have now is so much better. I understand that. I get it. But selfishly, I wish you were here. I wish you had been born and we could celebrate the beauty of your life with our meager (in comparison to the glory of Heaven) efforts. My darling Kendall. I love you and miss you so much. But I will not grieve today. Today, I will think of you with your beautiful life in Heaven. I will rejoice knowing that you will never have a fever... never cry... never experience heartbreak or sorrow... never endure a headache or know what it is like to throw up. I will think of you in perfect completion dancing with our Father... and I will smile....
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:07:20 +0000

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