For some odd reason (and I am going to make this as plain as can - TopicsExpress


For some odd reason (and I am going to make this as plain as can be), we have the attitude in the Body of Christ that everything a believer does is supposed to be free. According to some, we are not supposed to charge for books, CDs, DVDs, or any other type of ministry product. But we can attend secular schools, universities, training centers, vocational schooling, and etc., and pay for text books, salary for teachers, lab costs, and other fees and do that with no problem. We have no idea who writes the textbooks, dont know where the teacher comes from or what they believe, but we apply for financial aid and even take years paying off student loans for school and text books. But in the Body of Christ, if someone whom God has anointed and gifted to write and teach takes their time and resources to put together a book to edify a believer, its a crime. The workman is worthy of his hire and we are commanded not to muzzle the ox (laborer) that treads out the corn but we are quick to muzzle the anointed of God when they charge $10 for a book that they have fasted, prayed, lived, sacrificed, and died to publish to help someone else overcome in a certain area of their life. We dont figure on the hours, weeks, and months they spent gathering intel, we dont figure on time they spent away from family, time off work, time seeking the face of Almighty God to get the material but when they ask $10 for a book that they know will be a blessing to your life, it is said that they are robbing the church and are misusing the anointing. We will argue over $10, take the same to a restaurant and eat it and pass it to the toilet with no qualms at all. Further, there are some who think the Bible is the only book in the world that they need to read as if when the Lord allowed the canonization of the 66 books that He stopped talking. If you think the Lord has bound His revelations, insight, and instruction to 66 books, you have seriously misjudged Him. God is still speaking and He will continue to speak as long as there are ears to hear. Although any book written to the believer should contain scriptural references to the 66 books and should bring more of an understanding to them, dont think for a minute that God has nothing more to say after the 66th book of Revelation. There is also some concept that ministers should travel, pay for hotel, food, and other overnight expenses, spend time in the word and in prayer and preach and not take an offering. According to some, everything is supposed to be free of charge in the Body of Christ but let somebody ask you pick them up for work and you are charging them gas. Paul said that if he ministered to the people out of his spiritual things, should he not require of their natural things? But because some made an issue, he refused their offerings and took care of himself. You are not a hireling if you request a love offering after you minister the word and you are not pimping the Holy Ghost if you ask $10 for a book. You are due your hire in the Body of Christ the same as if you were hired on a job to work a position and expect your pay. Now if your motive is purely for financial reasons, then yes, you are a hireling and you need to repent. Lastly, many use Jesus saying to the apostles to take neither purse or script with them to indicate that He never intended the apostles to ask for money. Quite contrary. He told them not to take money because He expected the people to whom they ministered to take care of them. Further, if Jesus was never concerned with money, why did He have a treasurer? Who needs their own personal banker if they never receive money? Do you think He made that much money as a carpenter? If so, He would have told you. He had a personal banker because everywhere He went, the people blessed Him financially. With that money, He provided for His own and His disciples and when the reserve was low, He called money to Him. Now that does not sound like a Jesus who never received money? Besides this, He had women who faithfully sustained His ministry and even our modern times are a testament that women are more liberal givers in the Church than men. So before we jump to our non-biblical conclusions and falsely accuse someone of being a hireling or pimping the Holy Ghost, lets get our facts straight. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit. You will always have a pharisee throwing the book at you while not even fully understanding what the book means themselves. Study to show yourself approved...
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 23:23:09 +0000

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