For some of you. you might know that this past Monday I made a - TopicsExpress


For some of you. you might know that this past Monday I made a trip from Phoenix,Arizona to my hometown of Denair California, approximately 700 miles and 12 hours later I came home safely. My reason for being in Arizona was to visit my mother who was diagnosed with dementia. My visit expose me to her condition for the first time in 6 months and 6 months ago my wife, Amelia and I were visiting her for the New Years holiday and at that time she was in MUCH better health then she is at this time. My daily visits with her not only open my eyes to her condition,but my HEART to the frustration she lives in. Even though her short term memory is affected the heart of her personality and character is still 100% there. She made me laugh and she made me cry,but most of all she make me PROUD for being loving , caring, supportive but most of all mother who is considered a prayer warrior. She not only pray for me but for all concerned. At this time I wanna first and foremost thank God for the opportunity to make this visit and secondly to my wife who gave me her love and understanding for the past three and a half weeks. And finally I want to thank ALL my family in Phoenix for their love and support especially my brother Robert and his wife for taking me in the home and making me feel as one of their own and also to my brother George and my sister Anna for their generous and genuine love. To my nephew Anthony and his family I want to thank them for making my visit special and especially with their girls. There are so many people to thank for my time in Arizona. So at this time all I ask is for your prayers for my mother and my family.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 23:34:10 +0000

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