For some parents, college acceptance approaches the culmination of - TopicsExpress


For some parents, college acceptance approaches the culmination of every single parenting choice ever made. It can seem the ultimate goal, the ROI of parenthood, the final gold award and the epitome of a parenting job well done. It feels like the end game for every AP class, honors class, volunteer opportunity, and sports involvement that you required of your child. This college acceptance looms as the justification for the hours upon hours of helping with homework, rewriting their essays, doing most of their science fair projects since sixth grade, hiring the most expensive college counselor, and pushing, pushing, pushing your kids to get the A at any cost. My child got into his first choice university will be worn proudly and loudly as a testament to how well you have done as mom and dad.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 21:03:10 +0000

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