For some reason, Ive been seeing a lot of posts about people - TopicsExpress


For some reason, Ive been seeing a lot of posts about people hating themselves on social media lately. While its really hard not to feel this way at least a few times in life, if you think about it, it doesnt make sense to and heres why. 1. Youre your own ideal person as far as interests go. Imagine if you met someone who looked different than you but shared literally everything or almost everything you do. Youd think theyre pretty cool, so whats keeping you from thinking the same? And even if you think youre interests are lame, other people have them too or they wouldnt exist, so obviously theres something appealing about them. 2. Most likely nobody else or almost nobody else actually hates you. Even if there are 3 or 4, thats out of like 7 billion people on earth, meaning around 99.99% of the people on this earth dont hate you, most of course not knowing you, therefore being incapable of hating you. 3. If theres something about yourself that you hate, you can most likely change it. If its your grades, do what you need to bring them to where you want. If its your skin, talk to professionals about what you can do. If its your weight, do what it takes to get it where you want. Most of the time, you can change something you hate about yourself, so why not try? Even if none of what Im saying appeals to you, the fact of the matter is that there are people that love you and hate to see you hate yourself, and when you look at it, self-detestation just isnt worth your time or thought. I dont know why, I just felt like addressing this.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:41:48 +0000

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