For some reason, the end of long holidays like this leave me - TopicsExpress


For some reason, the end of long holidays like this leave me emotionally achy. I get uncomfortable without my writing schedule. I feel itchy for my regular routine. Today I woke up feeling like it was Saturday for the fifth day in a row. A cold, wet morning followed by afternoon football noises. Again. All day, I felt sort of listless. Folding laundry. Listless. Sweeping up dead pine needles off the living room floor. Listless. Loading dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Listless. These are the kind of days I can lean into melancholy and end up over-thinking oh, just e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. By mid-afternoon, I was telling Will about my conundrum. He said, What would your spiritual adviser tell you to do? I dont have a spiritual adviser so I laughed and asked Madeleine, our little black cat, what to do. She looked up at me pitifully and closed her eyes. No help whatsoever. But I had enough of my fifth Saturday feelings so I bravely texted a friend I hadnt talked to in ages. I asked her if she wanted to meet for coffee or a glass of wine. And guess what? She said yes. I met her at Central Market within the hour. We each got a glass of white wine and we found the sunniest table we could manage in the busy cafe. We talked for three hours. We laughed hard and long. We caught up on our families. And we promised to pray for each other when we finally each went our separate ways. Theres no big life lesson here except that some days when you feel especially listless and lonely, well, thats the best day to send out a vulnerable text or email and just ask. Because she just might say yes. And the time with that friend might make everything feel normal again.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:58:28 +0000

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