For sometimes, I was living my excitement with this extreme water - TopicsExpress


For sometimes, I was living my excitement with this extreme water sports vicariously through the experience of other adventure enthusiasts like me. It was a long time dream indeed. And it caught me over excited a day before I head to Cagayan de Oro and got a message that its one of our possible activities. And yeah, on our last day in CDO we made it happen. Though it feels a bit scary and unsecured knowing that days before our schedule, there were a case reported on national TV about the incident in CDO river rafting that killed a young woman (first in their businesses history and on Friday the 13th) and found her body couple of days after. But since nagkasubuan na we still pushed the said activity and yeah bahala na si Batman thats what I had in mind. So just having coffee that morning, we drove to SM mall closeby where the jeepney of the rafting company patiently waiting to take us to where the Wild River Rafting is stationed. After more than 30 minutes of hill climbing and some down drive, finally we reached to our destination. Then the guide ordered and helped us to fit our gears - helmet, life vest and gave us our own paddle to use. We booked to do the Basic Rafting so I assumed it wouldnt be that bad. Well, thats what I hoped. Then Mr. Head of the Guiding Team humorously started the initial orientation that includes safety discussion, dos and donts, rafting techniques, words to use in case of emergency, and some important reminders. He must saw all the worries in our faces and assured us that as long as we follow all his instructions, we will all be safe. Yeah, I was almost convinced, until I saw the kind of rapids that we will surely pass through in our rafting adventure. And it chills me to the bones and even wanted me to back out having mixed and crazy possibilities in mind. But since libre at bayad na ni Sir Archie ( Founder Trainors ) ang adventure, I hold back the thoughts to voice out what I exactly had in mind. Instead I screamed Jesus Christ!!! Mao nay rapids sa Basic??? The head guide laughed and explained that it was raining the whole night - the reason why the rapids seems more powerful than the usual. So were done with the orientation. And at this point, I knew I would not make any sense to back out. Sir Archie led the prayer asking Devine help and guidance for our safety. And Go Go Go!!! Were ready to go. I hoped ;-(. Then we hopped into the raft. A tiny part of me is excited for at last, the long time dream of experiencing the Wild River Rafting Adventure has come into reality. But the dominating part is full of what ifs and nervous beyond extreme. Nervous for the unknown, nervous for what might occur through out our buwis buhay rafting adventure, and nervous thinking of what just recently happened. And the feeling got even nervy as the raft started to float over the strong current and passing some minor rapids of the river. As instructed, we secured our feet into some strap on the rafts floor. And the lines paddle forward, paddle backward, stop, and high five became very common to us. And as expected, we were screaming as we come close to each rapid. Yaaaaaayyyyy. ..... indeed it was an adrenaline pumping experience when you go through the rapids and feel relieved when you survived it without falling off the raft. Ahehehehehehhe. Salamat sa tanang Jatot sa suba ug lasang nga nakiuban. Throughout the 10 major heart ponding rapid experience (well, it was all more than we need to conquer) the journey gets lighter each rapid we passed. The head guide tried hard to cracked some jokes anytime he can as he gave us some significant points and info throughout our river journey, and I must say that it helped us feel a bit more calm. And at this point, our nervousness has turned to excitement as we paddle our raft closer to the rapids. And BINGO!!!! After all those washing machine-like rapids where our raft slammed on large rocks or at that time where our guide intently bumped the raft into a huge elephants back - like rock and let it jumped over it and dropped from there and dive into the rapids and strong river current, our breath taking experience has ended. This experience made us realize that the fear we are all avoiding to encounter is just a state of mind. Once you composed yourself and gather all your strength and courage to face it, eventually you will overcome it. Thanks to Kagay Wild River Adventure Inc. and to Sir Archie for this thrilling experience. We will surely treasure it for a lifetime. Credit also to the guides and camera personel for the wonderful photos and for patiently assisting us throughout our trip. You made us feel safe and secure inside and outside the raft. Kudos also to my friends Teacher Herna, Maam Amylla, Sir Archie and Kuya Rolly who braved all the rapids with me. Well done guys! WE SURVIVED!!! Safe ug completo gyud ta nga nihaw as sa suba ug ninaug sa raft ;-). Yes it is one surely do or die thing, but indeed one of the most exhilarating ride of my life!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:42:22 +0000

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