For the Madame Director of BMB. Although the eaglet is - TopicsExpress


For the Madame Director of BMB. Although the eaglet is partially covered, the image of the mother bird is the best that I’ve got in this expedition. It was quite a difficult shoot because the heat haze or shimmer was terrible that it was so difficult to create sharp images. The extenders, that I attached to the lens magnified the adverse effect of the haze even more but had to risk it to get a usable image. The nest is almost three hundred meters away and a bare lens 600 mm lens will not be able to catch enough pixels for a decent photograph. We almost gave up trying to create sharp enough images, fortunately there were moments when the shimmer would become less and we would start to create images again. The good news is that all of us were able to get some pretty decent images of our National Pride, the Mighty Philippine Eagle, the dream of every Filipino Wildlife Photographer. This opportunity will not be possible without the trust and confidence given to us by no less than the esteemed Biodiversity Management Bureau, Director Theresa Mundita Lim (Mundita Sison Lim) by making the Wild Bird Photographers of the Philippines, its partner in this effort. As President of WBPP and in behalf of our organization, we want to express our deep gratitude for making this momentous event possible. Please allow me, Madame Director to dedicate the best image that I was able to create to you and your organization. Thank you very much. Wild Bird Photographers of the Philippines
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 02:29:34 +0000

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