For the attention of the governments of the United States, EU, - TopicsExpress


For the attention of the governments of the United States, EU, Australia and others with unwarranted concern over the situation in Thailand... Lets be honest with you. As Thai people, we are very fed up with your unwarranted comments and interference in the internal affairs of our country, which wants to embark upon comprehensive reforms to restore overall stability and security in all areas. Our armed forces have staged a coup detat to usher out a corruption-infested, despicable, stubborn and sinister government no longer regarded as legitimate due to its lack of decency, morality and honesty. It also had no chief executive in charge. The coup has effectively ended all political rallies and reduced risks towards confrontation, street violence which may escalate into civil war. Mind you! There was not a single battle tank in action. Not a drop of blood was spilled, so unlike violent coups with a lot of dead bodies in other countries. The coup was staged for the country to undergo rapid reforms after being destabilized by crony politics and massive corruption with incredible level of abuse of power, not even experienced in your countries. It was designed to break a political deadlock adamantly kept by corrupt politicians under the evil Thaksin regime. We would be happy if you just let us deal with our problems. Please do not make the situation more burdensome and irritable through your repeatedly intrusive concern because we tend to regard your role as deceitful, hypocritical, insincere and hostile. Again, please mind your own business. Do not waste our time. If you are not happy with us, you are free to leave this land, and leave us alone. Sopon Onkgara
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 09:03:48 +0000

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