For the benefit of Doubt..I am here to bring to members of this - TopicsExpress


For the benefit of Doubt..I am here to bring to members of this group the revered IYC Constitution as amended so that all Ijaw sons and daughters will have a copy. Here is the constitution by George Adioni Sinclair: (AS AMENDED) TABLE OF CONTENT 1. PREAMBLE 2. Article 1 - Establishment and Name 3. Article 2 - Aims and Objectives 4. Article 3 - Membership 5. Article 4 - Affiliation 6. Article 5 - Tiers of Council 7. Article 6 - Organs of Council 8. Article 7 - Powers of Organs of Council 9. Article 8 - Tenure of Office 10. Article 9 - Elections 11. Article 10 - Discipline 12. Article 11 - Meeting and Quorum 13. Article 12 - Funding 14. Article 13 - Committees 15. Article 14 - Ijaw National Day 16. Article 15 - Amendment 17. Article 16 - Schedule 18. Article 17 - Commencement and Citation PREAMBLE We, Ijaw Youths of the Ijaw Ethnic Nationality in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria, being Youth members of the Ijaw National Congress (INC), desirous of organizing and forming ourselves into a mass movement aimed at realizing the aspiration of the Kaiama Declaration of 11th December 1998, whereas it is imperative for the Ijaw people to form a socio- cultural and non-partisan organization for promoting and protecting the language, culture and custom of Ijaw people; that Ijaw youth in order to strengthen this noble idea through peaceful revolutionary means and to ensure the survival of the Ijaw Ethnic Nationality within the Nigerian State, firmly and solemnly resolved to regulate and guide the conduct of our affairs by rules agreed upon by us DO HEREBY MAKE, ENACT AND GIVE OURSELVES THE FOLLOWING CONSTITUTION. SUPREMACY: . This Constitution shall be supreme and its provisions shall have binding force on all organs and members of Council. . If any law, rule, guideline and action of any member, organ of Council or affiliate organization is inconsistent with provisions of this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail and that other law, rule, guideline and action shall to the extent of the inconsistency be null and void. ARTICLE 1: ESTABLISHMENT AND NAME SECTION 1: There is hereby established a socio-cultural, non- partisan but revolutionary organization to be known and addressed as the Ijaw Youth Council. [hereinafter referred to as the Counci] SECTION 2: Acronym The acronym shall be “IYC” SECTION 3: Motto Resource Control and Self Determination SECTION 4: Flag There shall be a flag made up of Blue, Red and Green in colours in that order to give a rectangular shape with IYC Logo embedded in the red portion thereof. SECTION 5: Logo Manila and crocodile features of the existing logo should be retained. ARTICLE 2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES SECTION 1 AIMS shall include; a. A commitment to the right to self-determination by the Ijaw Ethnic Nationality as enshrined in the Kaiama Declaration b. The control of the resources located and found in the Ijaw territory c. To promote and defend the cultural heritage, values and rights of Ijaw people. d. To safeguard and defend our environment against all forms of degradation. e. To promote and enhance sustainable economic activity in the Ijaw Territory. f. To reaffirm the aims and objectives of the Ijaw National Congress. SECTION 2 OBJECTIVES shall include the following; a. To focus, coordinate and be the mouth piece of Ijaw Youths within and outside the territory of Nigeria b. To establish and/or complement the efforts of organizations involved in development within Ijaw land. c. To encourage institutions, communities, students and social groups through awards and donations that are necessary d. To advocate and promote the education, health, livelihood and security of the Ijaw Nation ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 Membership shall be open to all Ijaw Youths within the age of 18 – 45 years who identify with the founding philosophy of the IYC and Subscribe to its aims and objectives. SECTION 2: CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP Subject to the provision of section (i) above, there shall be tree categories of membership a. Individual membership shall be open to all interested Ijaw youths who subscribe to the aims and objectives of Council. b. Affiliate membership for youth groups and civil society organizations. c. Groups named in the Ijaw Youth Council’s Kaiama Declaration pamphlet shall be automatic members SECTION 3: MEMBERSHIP PRE-REQUISITE a. Prospective members shall pay a registration fee of N100.00 (One Hundred Naira only) or as may be determined by NEC and ratified by Parliament. b. A registered member who is active and financially up to date shall be entitled to the rights, privileges and benefits of the Council. c. There shall be a membership committee which shall screen and recommend admission of groups, affiliates and other membership for approval by NEC ARTICLE 4: AFFILIATION SECTION 1 The Council may be affiliated to: a. Socio-cultural organizations and associations operating within Nigeria, Africa or rest of the world (Diaspora) b. Relevant agencies of the United Nations Organization. c. Local, sub-regional, regional or international bodies and organization established by relevant instruments for the defense and advancement of human rights, protection and preservation of the environment and the advancement of the well-being of mankind SECTION 2 All other Youth Organizations within the Ijaw Nation which share the aspirations of Council shall be affiliated to Council if: a. An application is made in writing to the National Executive Council for affiliation b. The applicant satisfies all requirements prescribed by the National Executive Council c. Obtains the affiliation certificate prescribed by the National Executive Council and duly signed by the President and Secretary General. ARTICLE 5: TIERS OF COUNCIL SECTION 1 There shall be the following tiers of Council: (a) National (b) Zonal (c) Clans (d) Community (e) Chapter (f) Regional/Diaspora SECTION 2 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONAL, CLAN, COMMUNITY AND CHAPTER TIERS OF CONCIL (a) The following zones of Council are hereby established in line with approved Ijaw National Congress Constitutional provision: 1. Eastern Zone with headquarters at Port Harcourt 2. Central Zone with headquarter at Yenagoa 3. Western Zone with headquarters at Bomadi (b) The following Clans of Council each comprising of a group of communities located within the three zones of council established under this Article are hereby recognized: EASTERN ZONE: Andoni, Ataba, Asarama, Eastern Obolo, Ibeno, Bille, Ibani, Kalabari, Ngo, Nkoro, Okrika, Udekama, Unyeada CENTRAL ZONE: Abua, Akassa, Apoi, Bssan, Bomo, Engenni, Ekpetiama, Epie/Atissa, Gbarain, Iduwini, Kabowei, Kolokuma/Opokuma, Koluama, Nembe, Odual, Ogboin, Ogobiri-Mein, Okrdia/Zarama/Biseni, Kou, Olodiama, Oporoma, oyakiri, Tarakiri, Kumbo, Tungbo, Ogbia, Oporomo. (And the following clans are also hereby established for administrative purposes: Anyama, Okpoma, Okoroma, Abureni, Bilabiri Mein, Odioma, Nembe Ogbolomabiri, Nembe Bassambiri, Ediro-Ogbologolo, Ogua Joinkrama, Kolo Creek, Oloibiri and Abureni). WESTERN ZONE: Akugbene-Mein, Apoi, Arogbo, Diebiri, Egbema, Gbaramatu, Iduwini, Isaba, Kabowei, Kurubo, Ngelebiri-Mein, Obotebe, Ogbe-Ijoh/Warri, Ogbolubiri-Mein, Ogulagha, Okomu, Gbaraun, Furupagha, Olodiama, Oporomor, Seimbiri, Tarakiri, Tuomo. (c ) Chapters of Council: There shall be a Chapter of Council in a town or village with a population of at least hundred [100] Ijaws which is not located wholly within the Clans of Council specified in this article. (d ) Each town or village within the clans of council mentioned in this article shall be deemed to be a community and shall have a community tier of Council. (e) The following chapters are hereby established: i. Lagos Chapter ii. Abuja Chapter (h) The following Diaspora Chapters are hereby also established: i. Europe ii. America iii. South America iv. South Africa ARTICLE 6: ORGANS OF COUNCIL SECTION 1 There shall be the following organs of Council: a) National Convention b) The Parliament c) National Executive Council – (NEC) d) Council of Elders. The functions of the Council of Elders shall be advisory only. An Elder is someone who has served the Council in any capacity. e) Council of Organizational Leaders (COOL) f) Zonal/Clan/Community/Chapter/Diaspora Executives SECTION 11: OFFICERS OF COUNCIL (A) There shall be Eleven (11) National officers of Council duly elected. These includes: 1. President 2. Deputy President 3. Secretary-General 4. Assistant Secretary General 5. Director of Mobilization 6. Spokesman 7. Treasurer 8. Financial Secretary 9. Legal Adviser 10. Women Leader 11. Organizing Secretary. The offices of Assistant Secretary and Organizing Secretary are reserved for the Lagos and Abuja Chapters. (B) Zonal Executives shall include the following: 1. Zonal Chairman 2. Zonal Vice Chairman 3. Zonal Secretary 4. Assistant Zonal Secretary 5. Information Officer 6. Mobilization Officer 7. Financial Secretary 8. Treasurer 9. Women Coordinator 10. Student Representative (C ) The Parliamentary Officers shall include: 1. Speaker 2. Deputy Speaker 3. Clerk 4. Deputy Clerk 5. Chief Whip 6. Sergeant At Arms ARTICLE 7: POWERS OF ORGANS OF COUNCIL SECTION 1 POWERS OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL [NEC] 1. PRESIDENT The President shall: a. Preside over meetings of the National Executive Council b. Co-ordinate the activities of members of the National Executive Council c. Be the Chief Executive Officer of the IYC d. Oversee the day to day running of the affairs of Council in conjunction with other officers of Council e. Receive reports of zones, Chapters, Committees, Bureaus and offices f. Liaise with the Director of Mobilization to accredit and work with relevant internal structures g. Be the leader of all delegations of Council h. Be a mandatory signatory to the accounts of the IYC i. Shall through the Secretary-General summon meetings of National Executive Council (NEC) j. Be responsible for relations with groups and organizations which share similar aspirations 2. DEPUTY PRESIDENT The Deputy President Shall: a. In the absence of the President, or as the President so delegates, carry out the functions of the President b. Be responsible for coordinating the affairs of the zones and chapters of the IYC 3. SECRETARY GENERAL The Secretary General shall: a. Be the Head of the IYC Secretariat b. On the advice of the President convene meetings of the Executive Council, and Convention on the advice of 2/3 of NEC c. Take minutes of meetings of the Executive Council d. Be responsible for research and documentation e. Employ and supervise the staff of IYC Secretariat f. Be a signatory to the Council accounts. 4. ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL The Assistant Secretary shall: a. Assist the Secretary General b. Act in the absence of the Secretary General and carry out such Functions as may be delegated by the Secretary General c. Directly be in-charge of research activities, particularly with respect to human rights violations. d. Liaise with human rights organizations, nationally, and internationally to promote the human rights of the Ijaw Nation e. Maintain close contacts with Secretary-General 5. DIRECTOR OF MOBILIZATION The Director of Mobilization shall: a. Be responsible for the mobilization of the membership of the IYC towards target goals and objectives b. Co-ordinate the activities of Zonal and Clan mobilization officers c. Be the Chairman of National Mobilization and Action Committee d. Liaise with members and affiliate organizations to meet common aspirations e. Be responsible for the organization of major activities of the IYC f. Be responsible for planning programs and strategy g. Maintain regular contract with the grassroots 6. SPOKESPERSON The spokesperson shall: a. Publicize the activities of IYC b. Respond to issues affecting the interest of the IYC or the Ijaw Nation c. Publish or cause to be published statements, communiqués or other documents expressing the position of the IYC on any issue after close consultation with the INC on issues of fundamental interest to the Ijaw nation d. Be the official spokes person of the Ijaw Youth Council Parliament 7. TREASURER The Treasurer shall: a. Take custody of the IYC’s treasury and deposit all monies belonging to the Council into the Council’s bank account within 48 hours of receipt of such money, except weekends. b. Be an alternative signatory to the account of the Council with the Secretary-General c. Liaise with Financial Secretary to render an account annually and whenever called upon to do so by NEC or Parliament. 8. FINANCIAL SECRETARY The Financial Secretary shall: a. Keep records of the IYC’s accounts for scrutiny by the National Executive Council b. Be responsible for funding raising activities c. Render an account annually and whenever called upon to do so by the NEC or Parliament 9. LEGAL ADVISER The Legal Adviser shall: a. Advise the IYC on legal issues b. Mobilize legal aid to members in need c. Take up legal challenges as approved by the IYC 10. WOMEN LEADER Women Leader shall: a. Be responsible for the Mobilization of women b. Advise the President on women affairs c. Carry out other duties concerning women with the approval of NEC SECTION 2: POWERS OF ZONES, REGIONS AND CHAPTERS (a) The zones shall implement decisions of the National Executive Council (b) The zones shall have powers to discipline members in the zone other than members of the NEC according to the provisions of this Constitution (c) Such other powers as may be delegated by the NEC to the zone (d) With the approval of NEC, carry out such other functions as the zones may find necessary. SECTION 3: FUNCTIONS OF OFFICERS OF ZONAL, CHAPTER AND REGIONAL/DIASPORA EXECUTIVE COUNCILS Officers of the zones, chapters or regions/Diaspora shall perform similar functions as their counterpart offices of NEC as outlined in article 7[1] at zones, chapters or regions as follows: Chairman = President Vice Chairman = Deputy President Secretary = Secretary – General Assistant Secretary = Assistant Secretary – General Mobilization officer = Director of Mobilization Financial Secretary = Financial Secretary Treasurer = Treasurer Women Coordinator = Women Leader The Information officer shall perform the functions of the Spokespersons as outlined in Article 7:1; 6:1 and Article 7:1; 6:2 only in the zones chapters or regions The Student Representative shall represent the interest of students, liaise with, and mobilize Ijaw students for the programmes of Council. SECTION 4: ESTABLISHMENT/COMPOSITION 1. There shall be a Parliament of Council which shall consist of two representatives from each clan duly elected/nominated: such an individual would have been actively involved in the activities of the Council. 2. The President of the National body of the Ijaw students and the Leader/President of affiliate organizations of the IYC shall also be members of parliament 3. The Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Chief Whip and Sergeant at Arms shall be duly elected at the inaugural sitting of the Parliament 4. Once elected the Speaker shall preside over all sittings of Parliament, 5. Such sittings shall alternate between communities in the zones. SECTION 5: FUNCTIONS OF THE PARLIAMENT 1. The Parliament shall consider and approve the annual budget of Council 2. Monitor and appraise the implementation of the annual budget of Council 3. Summon any officer or any National organ of Council with respect to any issue concerning the performance of the functions of his/her office or any matter of general interest to Ijaw people 4. Discuss and adopt resolutions on any matter of urgent interest to Ijaw people 5. Remove any member of the National Executive Council of Council in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution 6. Recommend worthy Ijaw sons and daughters who have distinguished themselves in their chosen career for Ijaw National Honours 7. Consider and approve the programme of activities, including the ratification of the electoral processes, of the National Convention for each year 8. Initiate issues of general interest to Ijaw people and charge an organ of Council to address the same for the overall benefit of Ijaw people. SECTION 6: FUNCTIONS OF THE ZONAL REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL At the zones, there shall be Zonal Representative Council which shall comprise of the zonal executive council members, Clan chairpersons, clan representatives, and the zonal COOL. It shall perform similar functions as the Parliament in the zones SECTION 7: POWERS OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION The National Convention is the final decision making body of Council. It shall deliberate and take action on all matters concerning Ijaw youths and of Council ARTICLE 8: TENURE OF OFFICE SECTION 1: 1. The tenure of Office for National, Zonal, Chapter, Clan, Regions/Diaspora executives and parliamentarians shall be three [3] years of one term which tenure shall count from the date of inauguration. SECTION 2: a. Without prejudice to section (I) above an officer may vie for another elective position having served, except parliamentarians who may contest for same office. ARTICLE 9: ELECTION SECTION 1: Election into the National Executive Council shall be held not later than four (4) weeks to the date of expiration of tenure of office of the outgoing executive during the Triennial National Convention. SECTION 2: ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL ELECO (a) A National Electoral Committee (ELECO) is hereby established. (b) The ELECO shall be constituted not later than three months to the expiration of the tenure of NEC. SECTION 3: COMPOSITION OF ELECO a. The ELECO shall be made up of Nine (9) members with a Chairman and Secretary. b. The Chairman and Secretary shall not come from the zone to which the Presidency of Council is zoned. c. The Chairman and Secretary shall not come from the same zone d. Each Zone and Chapters shall not later than four (4) months to the expiration of the tenure of NEC, through their zonal and chapter congresses, nominate two (2) persons, (one each from Abuja and Lagos Chapters) to serve in the ELECO and forward same to NEC through the Secretary-General not later than seven (7) days after nomination. e. NEC shall in turn forward the nominees from the zones and chapters to Parliament for ratification not later than seven (7) days after receipt of same. f. The president shall appoint the Chairman of the ELECO subject to the ratification of parliament while the secretary shall be elected by the nominees from amongst themselves. SECTION 4: FUNCTIONS OF ELECO/ ELECTION PROCEDURE 1. The ELECO shall be responsible for the conduct of elections to the NEC of Council. 2. For the purpose of National Elections, an electoral college for each zone shall be constituted as below: a. Four delegates per clan for Eastern Zone. b. Three delegates per clan for Western and Central Zones, Provided that at least one of the delegates mentioned in (i) and (ii) shall be a female. c. Delegates for National elections shall be nominated at clan congresses. d. The National President, National Vice-President and National Secretary of the National Union of Izon Students (NUIS) shall be automatic delegates from their respective zones in respect of National Elections. e. The delegates nominated shall be forwarded to the ELECO via a document signed by the Clan Chairman and Secretary accompanied by the attendance list of the Clan Congress. f. The attendance list referred to in the preceding paragraph must have the names of at least five (5) notable Elders from the Clan. g. Fifteen (15) delegates per chapter shall also be drawn from Lagos and Abuja chapters for the purpose of electing the national officers zoned to these chapters. h. The ELECO shall give directive for the purpose of conducting Clan Congresses to elect delegates. i. Elections shall be by open secret ballot. j. The ELECO shall issue guidelines for a smooth and orderly selection of the Electoral College and the Election processes. k. The ELECO shall create opportunity for each aspirant to present his/her manifesto to the Electoral College before the commencement of elections during the Triennial Convention. l. The ELECO shall have the power to screen aspirant(s) and if found wanting, disqualify such aspirant(s) in line with this constitution. m. The ELECO may set up sub-committee (s) within its members in the course of their duties but must consider the free, fairness and transparency of the electoral process above all other things. n. Election into the various offices of the NEC shall be done on zonal basis. SECTION 5: ELECTION INTO ZONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (a) Zonal Elections shall be held not later than four (4) weeks to the date of expiration of tenure of office of the outgoing Zonal Executive Council. SECTION 6: ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONAL ELECTORAL COMMITTEE (ZECO) (a) A Zonal Electoral Committee (ZECO) of seven (7) members is hereby established. (b) The ZECO shall be constituted not later than three months to the expiration of the tenure of the Zonal Executive Council. (c) For the purpose of smooth and orderly conduct of the Zonal Elections, the ZECO shall perform every function performed by the National Electoral Committee ELECO. (d) Members of the ZECO shall be nominated at the Zonal Congress. (e) The Zonal Chairman shall nominate the Chairman of ZECO, subject to the ratification of the Zonal Congress. The Secretary of ZECO shall be appointed by the members of ZECO. SECTION 7: DELEGATES TO ZONAL ELECTIONS: For the purpose of Zonal Elections, an electoral college shall be constituted as below: a. Four delegates per clan for Eastern Zone. b. Three delegates per clan for Western and Central Zones, Provided that at least one of the delegates mentioned in (a) and (b) shall be a female to be nominated at Clan Congresses. c. The ZECO shall give directive for the purpose of conducting Clan Congresses to elect delegates. SECTION 8: ELECTIONS INTO THE CLANS (a) Clan elections shall be conducted by a Clan Electoral Committee (CECO) to be set up by the Zonal Congress not later than four (4) weeks to the date of expiration of tenure of office of the outgoing Clan Executive Council. (b) The National Officers from the Zone shall appoint the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee among the seven members nominated by the Zonal Congress. (c) The members of the Clan Electoral Committee shall be evenly distributed. SECTION 9: ELIGIBILITY 1. A candidate for any elective position and delegates to elections must be a financial member of council and must be up-to-date with his membership subscription levies. 2. Must not be more than forty-two years (42) years at the time of nomination. 3. Must not be an ex-convict. 4. Must not be a member of any secret cult or gang. 5. Must not have been declared bankrupt. 6. A contestant for elective position in addition to the above must have attended at least two major activities of council either at the National, Zonal, Chapter or Clan levels and active in Council affairs. This excludes contestants for Clan elections. 7. Contestants for the positions of President, National Secretary and Spokesman must at least be graduates or its equivalents. 8. A contestant for the office of Legal Adviser shall be a qualified Legal Practitioner. 9. Subject to paragraph (h) and (i) above, aspirants to all other offices of Council shall have a minimum qualification of Senior School certificate or its equivalent. 10. Contestants to offices under this Constitution shall possess and display sufficient understanding of the philosophy and strategic direction of the Kaiama Declaration. 11. Contestants for Clan Executive Committee shall be resident in their Clan. FUNDING OF ELECTIONS Prior to commencement of the electoral process, the National Executive Council shall convene an expanded Executive Council meeting to set aside not less than Five (5) Million Naira (N5,000,000.00) to conduct elections into Clans, Zones, Chapters and National Offices from the IYC Dues Account. ARTICLE 10: DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS a) The following acts or omission shall constitute ‘’gross misconduct’’ by a member of congress under provisions of this constitution 1. Willful refusal or neglect to perform duties assigned to him/her by any organ of congress without reasonable excuse 2. Conducting himself in a manner capable of causing disaffection amongst members of Council during meeting of any organ of Council or in any manner likely to cause breach of the peace or otherwise howsoever capable of exposing members of Council to public ridicule, contempt or odium 3. Making false representation to any organ of Council, Government or its agencies, Non-governmental organizations or other corporate entities for the purpose of obtaining favour in the purported name of Council 4. Willful failure to pay prescribed fees of Council for six consecutive months or for six months after same has become due and payable 5. Willful failure or neglect to pay or remit to council or any of its organs monies or other benefits received or collected on behalf of Council within forty eight (48) hours 6. Convening or holding meetings purported to be a meeting of an organ or arm of council without authority and in breach of the provisions of the constitution 7. Forming, encouraging or contributing to the formation or participation in the activities of rival or parallel Ijaw socio-cultural Organization to the Council 8. Revealing secrets or other classified information of congress to a third party for any purpose whatsoever without lawful authority of Council 9. Receiving, encouraging, counseling or procuring the receipt of gratifications, benefit or other inducements from their parties, group of persons, government or its agencies. Non-governmental organizations, corporate bodies etc without disclosing same to Council 10. Misappropriation, conversion or unauthorized dealings with the funds of council 11. Forming, encouraging and counseling the formation of factions and divisions within Council for any reason whatsoever 12. Colluding, or conniving with other socio-cultural organizations, political groupings or groups of persons however called whether in Nigeria or abroad for the purpose of defeating or frustrating the Ijaw cause 13. Such other conduct as the National Convention of Council may consider as gross misconduct 14. Making false representation either by way of electronic copies, ID card or interference with other zones, indiscriminate hostage taking for selfish reasons and such other acts b. PROCEDURE FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF A MEMBER OF COUNCIL FOR GROSS MISCONDUCT 1. A petition in writing signed under the hand of the petitioner that any member of council has committed acts of gross misconduct as defined under this constitution shall be directed to the National Executive Council, which shall in turn constitute an ad-hoc Disciplinary Committee within forty eight (48) hours to inquire into the merits of the petition 2. Upon receiving the response from the member(s) in question, the Disciplinary Committee shall send a copy thereof to the petitioner for reply thereto 3. Upon receipt of the written reply of the petitioner, the Disciplinary Committee may take a decision either after considering the facts and documents presented by parties or call upon both parties to appear before the committee to clarify issues raised or call witnesses to support their cases before the committee takes a decision 4. Upon conclusion of the hearing the Disciplinary committee shall forward its findings and recommendations to Parliament which may adopt, amend or reject such recommendations provided that no sanction shall imposed upon a member of congress other than the sanctions provided for this Constitution . SANCTION FOR GROSS MISCONDUCT Any member of Council, who is guilty of gross misconduct in accordance with the procedure specified, may be liable to any of the following punishment: 1. Suspension from all activities of Council for a specified period not exceeding twelve calendar months 2. Disqualification from holding office in any organ of Council for life, indefinitely or for a period of not less than three years 3. Removal from office in accordance with the provisions of this constitution 4. Entering of the name of the defaulting member of Council in Ijaw Roll of Dishonour 5. For fraud, embezzlement or misappropriation of Council funds, be made to refund such funds and/or in kind D. REMOVAL OF A MEMBER OF THEEXECUTIVE ORGAN OF COUNCIL FROM OFFICE i. A member of the Executive organ of Council shall be removed from office if he is found guilty of gross misconduct as defined in article (10) of this constitution ii. A member of the Executive organ of Council may be removed from office in accordance with the following procedure: 1. A petition in writing stating the allegations against the member signed by at least five (5) participating members of Council per zone (or in the case of a zonal officer by one participating member of council per clan) shall be forwarded to the leader of Parliament or Zonal Representative Council as the case may be 2. The Speaker of Parliament or Zonal Representative Council as the case may be shall within twenty-one days from the date of the receipt of the petition set up an investigative panel made up of not less than three and not more than five members who shall be persons of unquestionable integrity to investigate the allegations 3. The investigative panel shall forward a copy of the petition to the member in question requesting for response thereto and upon receipt of the response, the panel shall forward a copy thereof to the petitioner for a reply thereto if necessary. 4. Upon receiving the written reply of the petitioner to either take a decision after considering the facts and documents presented by both parties, or call upon both parties to appear before the panel to either clarify issues raised or call witnesses in support of their cases before the panel takes decision 5. If the member against whom the petition is made refused to appear before the panel after service of the petition by registered courier (reputation) and notice of the sitting of the panel on him, the panel shall be at liberty to decide on the matter upon the facts placed before it or may call upon the petitioner to appear before it to lead oral evidence and call witnesses 6. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the panel shall make its findings and recommendations to the National or Zonal Representative Council as the case may be 7. A finding by the panel that all allegations against the member have been proved beyond reasonable doubt shall not be adopted by the National or Zonal Representative Council unless it is supported two-third (2/3) of its members present and voting 8. Where the National or Zonal Representative Council adopts the findings of the panel that the allegations have been proved against the member beyond reasonable doubt, the affected member of the Executive organ of congress shall stand removed from office with effect from the date of the adoption of the findings of the panel by the Council e. A MEMBER OF THE CLAN/CHAPTER/COMMUNITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE IF; 1. A petition in writing signed by at least five (5) participation members of council resident in the clan, chapter or community is forwarded to the clan Assembly or Chapter/Community general meeting 2. The Clan Assembly or Chapter/ Community general meeting shall upon receipt of the petition forward a copy thereof to the member petitioned against and requesting for response from him 3. Upon receipt of the response from the member petitioned against, the clan Assembly or chapter/ community general meeting shall fix a date for the hearing of the petition 4. At the hearing of the petition, the petitioners and the member petitioned against shall be allowed to lead oral evidence and call witnesses 5. Where the clan Assembly or chapter/ community general meeting finds that the petition against the member has been proved beyond reasonable doubt, the clan Assembly or chapter/ community general meeting shall declare the member removed from office 6. Proceedings commenced under this article for the removal of a member of the Executive organ of Council shall be concluded within sixty (60) days in the case of national or zonal officer or twenty-one days in the case of a Clan chapter or community office. F. REMOVAL OF A MEMBER OF THE PARLIAMENT/ZONAL REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL 1. A member of the National Parliament/Zonal Representative Council shall be removed from office if he is found guilty of gross misconduct as defined in Article (10) of his constitution 2. The procedure hereinbefore prescribed for the removal of a member of The Executive organ of council shall apply mutates mutandis to the removal or a member of the National Parliament/Zonal Representative Council ARTICLE 11: MEETINGS AND QUORUM SECTION 1: The NEC shall meet at least once a month SECTION 2: The quorum for meetings of all organs of council shall be as follows: a) National Executive Council ½ of total membership b) Zonal Executive Committee ½ of total membership c) Clan/Chapter or community executive committee -1/2 of total membership d) Parliament 1/3 of total membership ARTICLE 12: FUNDING SECTION 1 a. The Council shall operate a bank account as approved by parliament b. Signatories to the bank account of Council shall be the President, the Treasurer or Secretary General c. The President shall be a mandatory signatory together with either the Treasurer or Secretary General SECTION 2 a. Every member of the council shall pay an annual due of N1000.00 which may be subject to review by Council and ratified by parliament b. Council shall accept grant from donor agencies, philanthropies individuals, international organizations, government and government agencies c. Council shall organize fund raising programmes where it deems fit in order to sponsor its activities ARTICLE 13: COMMITTEE 1. The following committee are hereby established: 2. Reconciliation committee 3. Human Right Protection Committee 4. Environmental, pipe lines and water ways security Committee 5. Man power-planning and Business Development Committee 6. Ijaw Cultural Committee 7. Strategy and Planning Committee 8. National Mobilization and Action Committee ARTICLE 14: THE IJAW NATIONA CONGRESS 1. The Ijaw National Congress (INC) shall remain the parent body of the Council. ARTICLE 15: AMMENDMENT SECTION 1 a. This Constitution shall not be amended except by the convocation of a constitutional convention b. At the constitutional convention, the constitution may be amended by simple majority. c. A constitutional convention may be by a resolution of the Mobile Parliament or where Parliament cannot meet the NEC after due consultation with the strategic committee(s). ARTICLE 16: SCHEDULE Officers of Council shall take this oath before the assumption of office in accordance with the traditional rites and culture of the Ijaw national arid/or other religion: OATH OF OFFICE I …………………………………………………. (Name) believing firmly in the Kaiama Declaration of the Ijaw Nation for Resource Control and Self Determination, AND committed irrevocably to its actualization, hereby pledge to uphold the Constitution of the Ijaw Youth Council and to discharge my duties as ………………………………………. (Office) of the Ijaw Youth Council to the best of my ability and under the direction of God the Almighty and to uphold the sanctity of the IYC constitution. So help me God. ARTICLE 17: COMMENCEMENT AND CITATION SECTION 1: CITATION This Constitution shall be cited as the Constitution of the Ijaw Youth Council (As Amended) SECTION 2: COMMENCEMENT This amended Constitution was adopted on the 19th day of June, 2014 at Ofunama in Edo State of Nigeria, and becomes effective from 26th day of July 2014. Until a man sees the picture of his future, he cannot feature in his future.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:29:25 +0000

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