For the cause of our King and His kingdom As I have been - TopicsExpress


For the cause of our King and His kingdom As I have been talking to those from around Central Florida that have been journeying through the Wake Up Call book, I have heard many things. For example; Some pastors have said that this revelation has turned their lives upside down and has completely radicalized their walk with God. Others have said how broken they have become before Him. Others have describe how they have felt when the Holy Spirit began to convict their hearts concerning the idols of their hearts and how entwined they had become with our American culture. Some have questions about what the total focus this journey should be and where is this all taking us. Others have asked a very sincere question as to what we should do when we are finished with the book. And Many leaders have seen the importance of this revelation and have begun taking their church leaders through the book and will soon hear these same things. I have also paid close attention to what follows the statements as well as the answers given to the questions, (I have also said much of what I have heard.) One of the things that has drawn me and the majority of those who have read the book or are starting to read is that we all want to see Gods transforming revival come to our lives, families, churches and to our community. To a person, we all know that we desperately need this revival. We have rallied around this need all across the state and yet I am also hearing of a new phrase that is cropping up, REVIVAL FATIGUE. The definition for this is, all the activity and the meetings that we have been involved in, the going here and there to listen to this person and that person, Watching DVDs about how God has moved in Uganda, Taiwan and other parts of the world, changing the government, healing the people as well as the land. We get our faith stirred and we go about working on getting that move of God here. We call for unity and start gathering together. We have cried out before Him that He is no respecter of persons or countries. If He can do that there, than why not here? We try everything that we can and we do not get the same results as others. This, my fellow laborers, is what brings on this revival fatigue. This is why I am writing to each of you. Our focus must change!! On 911 this country was shown something invaluable. We saw terrorist that were willing to die for the cause of Islam and we saw the heroism of the first responders in New York City as they ran into those burning towers, facing certain death to rescue others. Both of these groups had made a decision to lay down their lives for something that was bigger than themselves. Both groups were taken not by a good idea, or a good reason to..... they were taken by a CAUSE. People will not lay down their lives for just any reason or for the best of ideas, but when they are taken by a cause they will do what ever it takes, they will give all of their time, endure any and all hardships, or give all of their money and if necessary make the ultimate sacrifice and give their very lives to see THE CAUSE to come to pass. In John 12:27 Jesus said, Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say, Father save me from this hour? BUT FOR THIS PURPOSE (OR CAUSE) I came to this hour. Jesus did not come into the world to suffer and die on a cross just so that we could have a relationship with His Father. That was the fruit that His suffering bore. His cause was to GLORIFY His Fathers name in His suffering. His main motivation was that His Fathers name be glorified Recently it was asked, Where do we go from here and how are we going to change our communities? Now that we have finished the Wake up Call, I feel that we need to ask ourselves some very serious questions. 1. Have we been radially changed or our we somewhat changed but basically changed? 2. Have we been broken before Him and have we come to the place of true surrender? Before you answer these questions please take a few minutes to listen to David Wilkerson address the subject of revival. youtube/watch?v=41GPCKc1rmM If we truly want our lives, our families, our churches and our communities to change we must have a baptism of anguish, a breaking by knowing the anguish of His heart and to weep along side of our God. A breaking by true Godly sorrow that leads to a true repentance. The complete forsaking of our old nature, being humbled by His mercy. It will be then that He promises us that He will hear us from heaven and completely heal our land. A Call To Anguish - David Wilkerson David Wilkersons soul-stirring sermon on the necessity of anguish - to bear Gods heart, passion, and burden within our lives. YOUTUBE.COM
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 03:32:02 +0000

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