For the days weve missed,heres a dribble feature! I got a sweet - TopicsExpress


For the days weve missed,heres a dribble feature! I got a sweet date wiv a special Lady and she gone want ALL my attention *faints* #Jahr ONLY TIME WILL TELL Part Twelve Hey bro, thanks for coming. Willie shook Tyrones hand. Theyd all played rugby back in school and they somehow stuck together and were now playing for the same team. Wed gone to their prize giving earlier and then made our way to the after party. Finah, Mia and Fay had gotten invited to the after party and were due to come a little later. By 11 everyone had quite a few to drink and it wasnt long before it was a party filled with drunks with the exception of us girls whod agreed to sober drive. Finah, Mia and Fay had arrived an hour before and had finished eating before joining both Tara (Tyrones gf) and I in the corner. Id met Tara at Willies game and we became close. She fit right in with us and was always laughing at Mias jokes. Hey beautiful, you wana dance?.. My eyes turned to slits as I noticed Leo approach Fay whod been chatting to Finah. No thanks...Cmon its just a dance. Why you gotta be so uptight?.. Fay noticed she was drawing attention and moved back away from Leo No drama Leo, Im just not down to dance right now..Stuck up b*tch.. As quick as that came out of Leos mouth Tara stood up She dont wana dance Leo. Back the f*k off!*. I looked at Willie and he stood up and walked over dragging Leo away and apologizing to Fay on his behalf. Not long after that Willie walked back Are you guys ok?.. We all nodded. I pulled Willie to the side Keep Leo away from Fay. Hes looking to start trouble tonight! Willie nodded before kissing me on the forehead Ok. If you need me Ill be with the boys. If you wana leave then well go... I smiled up at him, falling inlove with him even more for caring so much Well be fine. Have fun. Love you..Love you more and Willie walked back to his boys. Every five minutes Willie would check up on us even texting me every now and then to say I love you and it seemed as if the night couldnt get any better. The girls and I cracked jokes the whole night even making some new friends, talking and laughing as if wed known them for years. Even bein as sober as we were we still managed to have fun. Mia sang to us a few times while we recorded her, then wed play stupid games like hide and seek all the while staying outtah trouble. I popped in to see Willie so he knew I was ok, Id go looking for the girls again. The girls and I had decided to keep our eyes out for Fay incase Leo came back, but he mustve forgotten about her. Tara: Im so happy for you Leah! You can see how into you Willie is.. Mia: Hardout! He hasnt kept his eyes off you since we got here.. Gross! Finah: I think its cute. Its love at its highest point. Me: *Makes eyecontact with Willie and blushes* I love being inlove. Its the buzziest, most amazing feeling in the world and I get to experience it for myself. When he smiles at me I fall head over heels and when he kisses me on the forehead the way he does I know that this is more than just a relationship to him. Its a commitment. Tara: OMG! that is so true. I feel that way about Tyrone. Finah: So do I..with Leighton Mia: Can yu guys not you weirdos?? We laughed some more and joked some more. Willie and I had exchanged longing glances at each other the whole night. After a while we noticed Leos eyes travelling around room and decided to head out for some air. We were just about out the door when we heard Leos drunken tone Hey Fay, you still owe me that dance... Fay declined politely dodging his advances. We had just walked a few steps when we heard Fay gasp in pain.. ONLY TIME WILL TELL Part Thirteen * You f*n little b*sh. I swung around to see that Leo had Fays arm in a strong grip and was showing no signs of letting her go even with her face so strained. Willie stepped forward to get Fay away when she held her arm up. This was her way of saying she didnt want any trouble. Mia: WTF is wrong with you Leo. Let her go. She doesnt wana dance Leo was pulling Fay towards the dance floor all the while she pulled the opposite direction. Finah stood frozen to the spot no doubt worried about the position Fay was in. Fay remained calm the whole time, but her eyes spoke otherwise. She wanted to get away from him. I sent Willie a pleading look. Tara even stepped up Ill dance with you Leo. Leo shook his head and carried on dragging Fay. Willie: Hey bro let her go. Youre hurting her. Leo: Nah man! No more. This little gohtas always acting like she too good for everyone. Time to show her how a real boss does it Fay tried freeing herself using her other hand but Leo wasnt budging. Her face had paled and her lower lip had begun to quiver. That was all it took for Willie to snap. Forcing Leo to let go, he shoved him as far away from Fay as he could and pushed her behind him in a protective manner. Tyrone collared Leo up against the wall A no means no! You dont lay your hand on a woman EVER!. Fay looked towards Tara and nodded towards Tyrone and only then did Tara pull him back. Fay made her way up to Leo Im sorry if I come across as snobby and uptight. I dont mean to, but when I say I dont wana dance its not referring to you it just means I dont wana dance in general. You laid your hand on me once Mia: and again tonight Fay ignored her But from here on out.. I want you to stay away from me. Leos eyes were angrier then angry, but before he could speak Fay turned to Finah Can we go home?.. Finah nodded and before walking away Fay turned to Leo one last time and wished him a good night. Mia shot daggers towards Leo and followed. After telling Willie Id wait for him outside I made my way to the car, not noticing the hook Willie threw at Leo as soon as wed disappeared from sight. ONLY TIME WILL TELL Part Fourteen He did what??!!.. Leighs face was furious. I hid behind Willie who had his arms folded across his chest in the kitchen. Molesi had his jaw clenched trying to contain his anger. Fay had gone extremely quiet and hadnt said a word since wed left. The boys were extremely protective of Fay, even more protective then her brothers Collin, Henry and Tony. Finah had explained what had happened and Leighton looked like he was about to start world war three. Willie: Sorry man. I shouldve kept a closer eye on the girls tonight. Leighton: Is he still there? *grabs keys* Finah: Dont go there. Youll only be stirring the fire. Leigh walked up to Fay and pulled her in for a hug You ok?.. Fay smiled Im fine honestly.. Its no biggie...No biggie my a**, are you bruised? Fay pushed her sleeves up and we noticed a nasty bruise had formed. she tried smiling reassuringly again Its not a big deal. Im fine! Willie grabbed a pack of frozen veges and wrapped it around her arm This should help the bruising I think... We all knew how Fay really felt. I walked Willie out and we talked outside for a bit I cant believe he did that.. I sat there. My heart breaking at seeing Fay so helpless for the second time and not knowing how to fix it. A tear slipped down my face and Willie wiped it away wit his finger There there you raccoon. No need for them tears... I lay my head on his shoulder and entwined my fingers with his.. I love you. You know that right?..Willie took in the smell of my hair Yeah I do.. I love you too. Me: Thank you for standing up for Fay today. Willie: Leo and I have been bestfriends since college, but theres only so much of his sh*t I can take. Fay is like a sister to me and I dont wana see her hurt, but when my bestfriend manhandles her friends or not I will always have her back... I snuggled up to Willie and we sat there in silence taking in the stars. Willie: Will you be ok tonight? Me: Yeah. Ill be fine. Willie: Ok. Give me a call if you guys need anything Me: I will. Willie stood up, reached down and kissed me softly on the cheek then left. I walked back into the house and joined the girls in the living room. Me: Wheres Fay? Finah: Shes in the bathroom brushing her teeth Mia: Shes been in there for ages dont you think? We stood up and walked to the bathroom where we could hear Fay crying quietly on the other side of the door. Fay open up, turning the lock we let ourselves in and saw Fay huddled up on the floor crying her eyes out. I let tears of my own slip out and pulled her in Shhh we got you.. Its ok.. Let it out.. Were here.... Her body was shaking and it was hard to tell if it was from the shock or from the cold. Standing her up we went back to the front where we really got to have a good look at her. Not only did she look vulnerable, but she looked so tiny and fragile. Seeing her this way had us all huddling together where we cried for our best friend.. Cried for Fay.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:30:00 +0000

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