For the few that have noticed (lol) I have been on here less - TopicsExpress


For the few that have noticed (lol) I have been on here less and not chatting as much as I usually tend to over the past few weeks. I was/am having some physical issues that have been stressing me out, and Ive been trying to avoid any type of stress to help in the recovery. So if I dont respond to your messages right away or within a day, I didnt ignore you, I plan to message you back, but it might be a day or so. A few weeks ago I was having a normal day. Runs to the store, helping the fam when they needed, same same. But I started to feel ill, warm, and nauseated. I decided to lie down thinking it was just a cold or stomach bug. I started getting bouts of extreme pain in my abdomen. I was running a fever, felt like I was freezing, cold sweats, crazy dizziness, started hallucinating and talking to myself out loud it was so bad.. or at least I think it was out loud. I almost needed help walking down the hall to the restroom. The pain eventually moved from the center (around my stomach and upper colon area) down towards the pelvic area, so I understood it was an intestinal issue. More than likely an obstruction occurred, broke loose, and did so again further down my colon. Ive never really been into drinking water all day, but yeah, dehydration and lack of fiber causes this and is number 1 on the list of what may have caused it. There are some other physical issue because of it, but I dont want to go into that bit. So, Ive been slowly trying to recover over the last few weeks. I flushed my system out, letting my digestive system get used to eating again and function on a normal cycle. I tried to eat normally at the beginning, but eating anything significant made me dizzy and almost pass out on top of issues passing it (most likely low blood pressure). So I stuck to piece of bread+a lot of water, dry cereal+a lot of water, sips of juices+a lot of water. started slowly drinking coffee+extra of a lot of water. The last few night Ive ate something besides fibrous things. I ate half of big mac, napped, and finished it later on in the day to ensure it wasnt large to move through. Was worried, thinking it might have gotten stuck, so I took something to partially flush my system. Yesterday, I ate pizza and spent much of the night as if I was waiting for a guilty verdict xD Didnt die, it passed, but not 100% normally yet. So I still got some time to go. This is just an FYI for the few that have messaged asking where Im at because Im not chatting much or dont respond ASAP like normal. I am doing better than I was, probably got a bit longer to get completely back on track if nothing huge is wrong, but I feel better than I did so Im happy. =P Peace
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:07:51 +0000

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