For the first time in 68 years, an Indian PM on the ramparts of - TopicsExpress


For the first time in 68 years, an Indian PM on the ramparts of the Red Fort, on the occasion of Independence day, ACKNOWLEDGED the CONTRIBUTION of HINDU SPIRITUAL GURUS in the Independence movement and in the Social and Cultural Transformation of Indian Society. Today the word GURU or BABA is a term of ABUSE or COMIC relief in the Secular, Liberal Civil Society. A SAFFRON clad BABA is projected either as a VILLAIN or as a COMIC CHARACTER in movies, TV shows or News Channels.But if one looks at the history of India , it was these BABAS, these GURUS who made INDIA what it is today. More than 2000 years back a 12 year old boy left Kerala , traversed the entire subcontinent, Benares, Bengal, Kashmir, he managed to unite the DIFFERENT factions of Hindus and Buddhists , not through VIOLENCE but by DIALOGUE and DEBATE. His name was ADI SANKARACHARYA. It was GURU CHANAKYA who set the FOUNDATIONS of one of the BIGGEST EMPIRES of the ANCIENT WORLD with his student Chandragupta. In the pre medieval period, it was NARAYANA GURU in Kerala, BASAVACHRYA in Karnataka who BROUGHT about SOCIAL REFORMED, projected a CASTELESS, EQUAL SOCIETY. In the middle ages, it was the BHAKTI MOVEMENT which ENCOMPASSED the ENTIRE SUBCONTINENT which gave us POWERFUL GURUS , Sri Chaityna of Bengal, Meerabai of Rajasthan, Sant Namdev, Tukaram, Gyaneshwar , Tulsi Das, Sur Das, Kabir, Ravidas , the Sikh Gurus who protested AGAINST the OPPRESSIVE Islamic rule as well as against the DIVISIONS within HINDU SOCIETY. It was they who MOTIVATED Rana Pratap, Shivaji and others to FIGHT BACK and brought an END to ISLAMIST rule.With the coming of the BRITISH, another round of oppression started , it was the SANYASI REVOLUTION documented in the novel ANANDA MATH which gave ius the CONCEPT of AKHANDA BHARAT, BHARAT MATA. Thousands of our youth were MARTYRED with VANDE MATARAM on their lips. It was SWAMI VIVEKANAND and SRI AUROBINDO who laid the SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS of BHARAT. They did not just PROTEST against BRITISH RULE, just like the Bhakti Sants, they said that FREEDOM would be MEANINGLESS, if SOCIETY REMAINS UNEQUAL. It was Vivekanand who said , I DONT WANT MOKSHA, I want to be BORN AGAIN AND AGAIN till the last individual can also ACHIEVE MOKSHA. It was Sri Aurobindo who said that DISCOVER THE DIVINITY in you. We are not in this world just to EAT, DRINK and REPRODUCE. We have the CHOICE to move on to HIGHER realms of CONSCIOUSNESS . August 15 was Sri Aurobindos Birth Anniversary . He used this opportunity to wish his SOUL and thank ALL GURUS . Some may say that NaMo has a SAFFRON AGENDA, a Hindu Nationalist is a CRIMINAL but in INDIA, in HINDUISM, Spirituality and Material pursuits were never MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE and GURU BIN GYAN NAHI VANDE MATARAM
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 03:53:03 +0000

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