For the first time in a long time, I listened to Governor Amosun - TopicsExpress


For the first time in a long time, I listened to Governor Amosun on the state television where his assessment tour of Ijebu North LG was being reported and my conclusion is that Ogun state is yet to get it right with his type of leadership if what I listened to are what his plans for the second term are. Creation of Local council development areas (LCDAs) with each of the proposed LCDAs having a model school upon creation. My question now is that how much resources does Ogun state, that cannot fund those model schools intiated by Amosun in more than three years, have to now build additional model schools? I think the governor needs to be told that the pronouncement he made is not only wasteful for the state and its people but foolish in relative financial prudency which is a core principle in accounting and financial management. If the governor does not have anything to offer, his silence would do him more good than creating the impression that Ogun state is completely incapable of producing competent leaders.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:08:52 +0000

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