For the information of individuals who are reading the facebook - TopicsExpress


For the information of individuals who are reading the facebook comments of the Irish Arrows organisation, I as a member of the Cork County Darts Board have enough of the crap that these individuals are spreading. The instigator of most of this argument is an individual who has no loyalty to anyone only to the mighty “Euro” This is an individual who in his short time back in darts from the “High Life” who has split two local teams already. I was a member of one of those teams so I know exactly what I am talking about. Remember the Gerald Griffin team who you said have no ambition; well the following year as a “B” team they won the Presidents Cup. Who did they beat again in the final oh ya you and your new ambitious team. When you then realised you were only a small fish in a big bowl in the josh you went and moved again to boost you’re over inflated ego. Where were you in the West County Hotel, Ennis when you and your clique were needed for the playoffs to qualify for the Quarter Finals. Why were your phones turned off. What makes you so important that you felt you could ignore a call to a team meeting. So much for unity in the team. For such an allegedly educated man you seem totally ignorant of proper procedures and protocol with regard to calling an EGM. I am one of a number of individuals chosen by the Cork Darts Organisation (C.D.O.) to represent them at county level. To date there has been no official complaint made. You used the royal “WE” very regularly. You seem to think that you would be an acceptable delegate for your organisation a bit presumptuous I think. It’s about time people read into your diatribes closely and see that every one of them is peppered with the word “PAYOUTS”. There are plenty of tournaments out there for mercenaries to take part in and I have no problem with these tournaments. Ranking tournaments are a totally different animal there for the selection of a team to represent their county with pride and not for the monetary value they can gain. Not being a regular contributor to the facebook medium I have only read some of the comments to latest invitation. Funny when asked to accommodate a ranking tournament his replied only if he could get it for nothing. Typical prepared to take everything but give nothing back. As for the comment by Mr John O’Shea he has a very short and selective memory. This is a man who threw his rattler of out the pram last year and refused to play for Cork because he wasn’t made captain. Furthermore he ridiculed the man who was made captain in public. Why anyone would listen to anything this individual has to say about Cork County Darts is beyond belief. Funny how individuals who constantly stab each other in the back seem to get together when it suits their purpose. For the information of those not in the know the Cork County Darts Board had to resurrect from scratch. This was done by individuals whose sole interest was to make sure that the County Board would have representation at national level. These individuals which I personally am proud to be one of fought long and hard to bring the County Board up forms it knees where it had been left by the previous administration. For the last 7 years we have strived to make sure that the player represented to play for Cork were looked after to the best of our ability. Unfortunately times have changed and the sponsorship that is so badly needed is not so readily available so some changes had to made. One of the decisions made was to reduce prize money. Unfortunately now for some there was no value in sharing the prize money. The cutting prize money was made known to the players prior to the first ranking tournament. Following a suggestion made by Mr McDonnell a meeting was afforded to the players a meeting to be held at the Bandon GAA club on 6th October 2013. But because the venue chosen by Mr McDonnell was not chosen by the County Board he chose to attack the county board once again. Not being able to entice the County Board to hold a meeting at Brian Dillon’s a new bright was proposed where would this meeting be held? Where else only Brian Dillon’s. Anybody see the connection I hope ye can. I am very proud of the record of the Cork County Darts Board to date. Working with very little support and constant attacks from people whose heads are so far up their own arses it’s beyond belief. We have continued to work diligently to ensure the survival of this organisation. Not once in this whole debacle has anytime been given to subject of youth’s darts. Why? Oh ya no money to be made there. Oh I forgot the one man who tried to raise the subject of youth’s darts was attacked and vilified for daring to take an interest in his son and the sport in which he is involved. Pity a lot more parents wouldn’t take an active interest in their kids there might be a lot less anti-social behaviour if we could accomplish this. We as a committee have formed a new subcommittee whose sole purpose is to look after youth’s darts in cork. A CANCER has crept into Cork Darts recently and as we all know all cancer does is poisons erodes and destroys. I hope this cancer can be cured or removed before it destroys Cork Darts completely. Due to my stance on this subject I may find myself forced to ”Bite the Bullet” but if it opens only one persons eyes to ulterior motives of certain individuals it will have been worth it. The Cork County Dart Board will still be available to its players to answer any questions they may have. As already stated this meeting will be held prior to the Ranking Tournament in Bandon Gaa Club on 6th October. The real Cork Dart players who are interested in darts for darts sake will be in attendance I’m sure. It’s an open invitation with no pressure on anyone to take the part in the following Ranking Tournament. The main reason for holding the meeting in conjunction with a ranking tournament is to facilitate the players. We felt that it would be totally unjustified and unfair to as k individuals who may be struggling financially to attend two different events when it can be dealt with at one. We are a voluntary board who have been happy irrespective of our own personal difficulties to give of our time and energy to support darts in cork. We are an amateur group and will no doubt makes mistakes at the end of the day we are only human. I was lead to believe that God was the only one who knew everything but it seems like somebody else out there thinks they do. Yours in Sport Tim Jones
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 11:39:44 +0000

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